dart_webcore 0.0.2 copy "dart_webcore: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
dart_webcore: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

A new way for dart into web servers world.

The final solution to HttpServers with dart #

Image description

dart_webcore handles (Advanced Routing, HttpServers, websites hosting, static files hosting and much more...)

Features #

  1. Allow adding routing system
  2. Host of static folders or websites
  3. Pre programmed code for some utils like(Html response, json response)

Tutorial #

- Routing ( Request Processors ) #

dart_webcore consist of different layers which are a type of RequestProcessor which mean they can handle incoming requests.

  1. Handler: is the final stage in the life of the request in the server, handlers must return a response to the client ( API consumer ), a handler can have a local middleware that will only work for this handler, Handler needs a pathTemplate a method and a processor function.
 Handler handler = Handler('/hello', HttpMethods.geT,
      (request, response, pathArgs) => response.write('Hello world!'));
  1. Middlewares: is a set of functions that live between the handler and the client to do some authentication or verification on the request, middlewares can return a request to let the request pass to the next middleware or handler or they can return a response to close prevent the request from passing to the next entity in the pipeline, middleware can be added to a single handler, router, full pipeline or the every single request that comes to the server which are called global middlewares.
  Middleware middleware =
      Middleware('/hello', HttpMethods.geT, (request, response, pathArgs) {
    print('new request');
    return request;
  1. Router: router is the parent of handlers, you can add multiple handlers to the router and the router is responsible for choosing the right handler to execute,
    you can also add middlewares to the router that will be executed only in this router.
  Router router = Router()
        (request, response, pathArgs) => response.write('Hello world!'))
        (request, response, pathArgs) => response.write('user registered!'));
  1. Pipeline: pipelines are the master of all the previous entities, you can add multiple routers, individual handlers to the pipeline and it will chose the right middlewares and the right handler to run for each incoming request.
  Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline().addRouter(router);
  1. Cascade: cascade is just a way of adding multiple pipelines to the server if you have different types of apps that running on the same server you can just gather them in a single cascade.
  Cascade cascade = Cascade().add(pipeline);

- Server ( the actual server the receive requests ) #

ServerHolder is a class that handles creating servers and closing them it needs a request processor from above which will handle running the right handler and the right set of middlewares, you can run multiple servers for the same server holder.

// you can change 'cascade' with any other processor like pipeline, router or even a single handler
  ServerHolder serverHolder = ServerHolder(cascade);
  serverHolder.bind(InternetAddress.anyIPv4, 3000);

- RequestProcessor parameters #

  1. pathTemplate: is the path template that would be compared with the incoming request path it should be unique for each handler
    and it follows the following formula
e.g: /login  
  • The normal pathTemplate is like /login , /register or /users/list if any request has the same path it the corresponding handler will be chosen to run.

  • The pathTemplate with pathArg like /users/<user_id>/getData , /users/<user_id>/deleteUser
    and any request with paths like /users/the_actual_user_id/deleteUser this handler will work and it will have access to the pathArgs in the form of {'user_id':'the_actual_user_id'}.

  Handler pathArgHandler = Handler(
      (request, response, pathArgs) => response
          .write('you requested the user with id ${pathArgs['user_id']}'));
  • The final pathTemplate example is for paths that have pathArgs with that contains multiple slashes / for example, any request with paths like /files/path/to/file will work for be directed to the handler with path template /files/*<file_path> and will provide pathArgs map as {'file_path':'path/to/file'}
    you can only have one complex key like *<file_path> at the end or it will consider all the following path to be a value of the key.
Handler pathArgHandler = Handler(
      (request, response, pathArgs) => response.write(
          'you request the file with the path ${pathArgs['file_path']}'));

- Website Hosting #

with dart_webcore you can host a full folder with all of it's content either this folder is a website folder or a normal static files folder.
you just need to set an alias for that folder path in order to protect your system path to make it hidden from API consumers. for example

  Router router = Router()
  /* it's alway better to make the files path template like this to be in the end of    
      the pipeline because it will accept all requested paths and the pathArgs 
      will take the path as the argument {'path':'all the path will be here'}

      (request, response, pathArgs) {
        return response.serveFolders(
            FolderHost(path: './bin/website', alias: 'website'),
          allowServingFoldersContent: true,
          autoViewIndexTextFiles: true,
          allowViewingEntityPath: true,
          viewTextBasedFiles: true,

- single files downloading/streaming #

you can stream a file or serve it for downloading as following

        (request, response, pathArgs) =>
pub points


unverified uploader

A new way for dart into web servers world.

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flutter, logger, mime, path, uuid


Packages that depend on dart_webcore