dart_types 0.0.2 copy "dart_types: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
dart_types: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

A simple cli/package for constructing type lattice and its presentation from Dart code

Dart Types #

A cli/package to construct and present the type lattice of a given dart type.

Features: #

  • Generate the type lattice of given dart type(s) (only mermaid graph supported atm)
  • List all types within a file

Note: generics are ignored at the moment

Installation #

dart pub global activate dart_types


Generate type lattice for a give dart type (only mermaid is supported atm)

Example (from string): dart_types -s "class A{} class B extends A{} class C extends B{}" -t "C""
Example   (from file): dart_types -f path/to/file.dart -c "MyClass"
Example  (list types): dart_types -f path/to/file.dart --list

Usage: dart_types [options]
  -f, --file      Specify the path of the file where the type(s) are (must provide this or `string`)
  -s, --string    Provide a string containing the type(s) (must provide this or `file`)
  -t, --type      Specify the type to be selected from the given <string> or <file>
  -l, --list      list all the types from the given <string> or <file>
  -h, --help      prints this usage information

Notes: See the example folder for how to use this as a package

Example #

  • Running the following:

     dart_types --string "typedef Func = int Function(int)" --type "Func" --filter "Comparable"
  • Produces the following mermaid graph:

    graph TD
        931422573("Object") --> 545029063("Function")
        545029063 --> 347766447("Object? Function(Never)")
        347766447 --> 99784076("Object Function(Never)")
        347766447 --> 822356007("Object? Function(int)")
        99784076 --> 558030879("num Function(Never)")
        99784076 --> 494603172("Object Function(int)")
        558030879 --> 355469451("int Function(Never)")
        558030879 --> 447189149("num Function(int)")
        355469451 --> 987323756("Never Function(Never)")
        355469451 --> 904175125("int Function(int)")
        987323756 --> 236799857("Never Function(int)")
        822356007 --> 494603172
        822356007 --> 979002104("Object? Function(num)")
        494603172 --> 447189149
        494603172 --> 655152334("Object Function(num)")
        447189149 --> 904175125
        447189149 --> 434395023("num Function(num)")
        904175125 --> 236799857
        904175125 --> 1073456545("int Function(num)")
        236799857 --> 751074829("Never Function(num)")
        979002104 --> 655152334
        979002104 --> 872118137("Object? Function(Object)")
        655152334 --> 434395023
        655152334 --> 562034873("Object Function(Object)")
        434395023 --> 1073456545
        434395023 --> 1066591392("num Function(Object)")
        1073456545 --> 751074829
        1073456545 --> 486934897("int Function(Object)")
        751074829 --> 314729469("Never Function(Object)")
        872118137 --> 562034873
        872118137 --> 796081945("Object? Function(Object?)")
        562034873 --> 1066591392
        562034873 --> 961619332("Object Function(Object?)")
        1066591392 --> 486934897
        1066591392 --> 1011595491("num Function(Object?)")
        486934897 --> 314729469
        486934897 --> 352616210("int Function(Object?)")
        314729469 --> 374033440("Never Function(Object?)")
        796081945 --> 961619332
        961619332 --> 1011595491
        1011595491 --> 352616210
        352616210 --> 374033440
        374033440 --> 791979707("Never")
    style 904175125 color:#7FFF7F

    Note: to view the output, paste the graph at: https://mermaid.live



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A simple cli/package for constructing type lattice and its presentation from Dart code

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unknown (license)


analyzer, args, collection, path


Packages that depend on dart_types