dart_secure 0.6.1 dart_secure: ^0.6.1 copied to clipboard
A Dart package that provides functionalities to enhance the security of Dart applications; integration of multiple cybersecurity practices to secure user interactions.
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:dart_secure/dart_secure.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() async {
//Example User Authentication Status
//User Authentication Monitoring
//Example User get Biometric
// Biometric User Authentication Example
//Example Lock the User
if (attempt >= 3) {
//Temporary lock current user
// In-App Encryption Example
var encryptedAddress =
inAppEncrypt(text: "User's Address", key: "MyUsersAddress");
print("Encrypted Address: $encryptedAddress");
// Hash Encryption Example
var hashedAddress = hashEncrypt(text: "User's Address");
print("Hashed Address: $hashedAddress");
// In-App Decryption Example
var decryptedAddress =
inAppDecrypt(cipherText: encryptedAddress, key: "MyUsersAddress");
print("Decrypted Address: $decryptedAddress");
//Example User Authentication Status
//User Authentication Monitoring
Widget keepGettingAuthStatus() {
return Scaffold(
body: userAuthMonitor(
authenticatedUserPage: HomePage(),
unAuthenticatedUserPage: LoginPage(),
adminUID: 'your_admin_uid_here',
adminPage: AdminPage(),
blockUID: ['blocked_user_uid_1', 'blocked_user_uid_2'],
userBlockedPage: UserBlockedPage(),
//Temporary lock the user
void TempLockThisUser() {
// Simulate a failed login attempt
tempLockUser(context, afterCountNavigateTo: LoginPage());
//Example User get Biometric
// Biometric User Authentication Example
void getBiometric() async {
var authStatus = await biometricAuth();
if (authStatus == AuthenticationStatus.successful) {
print("Authentication successful, continue");
} else {
print("Authentication unsuccessful, try again");