dart_nostr 1.0.3 copy "dart_nostr: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
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This is a helper package that simplify and accelerate the use of Nostr protocal in Dart/Flutter environment

Nostr Dart Client for Nostr protocol. #

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This package is a client for the Nostr protocol. It is a wrapper that lets you interact with the Nostr protocol in an easier, faster and more organized way.

NIPS that can be implemented with this package: #

  • NIP-01
  • NIP-02
  • NIP-03
  • NIP-04 (TODO: make the encryption part automated by the package).
  • NIP-05
  • NIP-09
  • NIP-10
  • NIP-11
  • NIP-12
  • NIP-14
  • NIP-16
  • NIP-18
  • ...

TODO (if you want to contribute, please feel free to implement any of the following NIPS and make a pull request, I will be happy to review it and merge it.) #

  • NIP-06
  • NIP-13

Usage: #

The main and only instance that you need to use to access all other members in this package is:


Nostr.instance offers access to separated services of this package which they-self offer many other members/functions to get your things done.

Nostr.instance.keysService; // access to the keys service, which will provide methods to handle user key pairs, private keys, public keys, etc.

Nostr.instance.relaysService; // access to the relays service, which will provide methods to interact with your own relays such as sending events, listening to events, etc.

Keys Service: #

This service is responsible for handling anything that is related to the user's key pairs, private keys, public keys, signing and verifying messages, etc.

Generate a new key pair:

In order to generate a new key pair, you will need to call the generateKeyPair() function, which will return a NostrKeyPairs object that contains the private key and the public key of the generated key pair.

NostrKeyPairs keyPair = await Nostr.instance.keysService.generateKeyPair();

print(keyPair.private); // ...
print(keyPair.public); // ...

Get a key pair from an existent private key:

If you already have a private key, you can get a key pair from it by calling the generateKeyPairFromExistingPrivateKey() function, which will return a NostrKeyPairs object that contains the private key and the generated public key.

NostrKeyPairs keyPair = await Nostr.instance.keysService.generateKeyPairFromExistingPrivateKey(privateKey);

generate and get a new private key directly:

Sometimes, you will need to only generate a private key and not a key pair, in this case, you can call the generatePrivateKey() function, which will return a String that contains the generated private key directly.

String privateKey = await Nostr.instance.keysService.generatePrivateKey();

Derive a public key from a private key directly:

Or, if you already have a private key, you can derive the public key from it by calling the derivePublicKey() function, which will return a String that contains the derived public key directly.

String publicKey = await Nostr.instance.keysService.derivePublicKey(privateKey);

Sign and verify a message:

To sign a message, you will need to call the sign() function, which will return a String that contains the signature of the message.

String message = ...;
String signature = await Nostr.instance.keysService.sign(
  privateKey: privateKey,
  message: message,
print(signature); // ...

bool isVerified = await Nostr.instance.keysService.verify(
  publicKey: publicKey,
  message: message,
  signature: signature,
print(isMessageVerified); // ...

Relays Service: #

Creating and signing Nostr events:

You can get the final events that you will send to your relays by either creating a raw NostrEvent object and then you will need to generate and set it's id and sign by yourself using the Nostr protocol speceifications which you can check manually from it's official documentation.

  final event = NostrEvent(
    kind: 0,
    content: 'This is a test event content',
    createdAt: DateTime.now(),
    id: '<THE-ID-OF-THE-EVENT>', // you will need to generate and set the id of the event manually by hashing other event fields, please refer to the official Nostr protocol documentation to learn how to do it yourself.
    tags: [],
    sig: '<THE-SIGNATURE-OF-THE-EVENT>', // you will need to generate and set the signature of the event manually by signing the event's id, please refer to the official Nostr protocol documentation to learn how to do it yourself.

As it is explained, this will require you to set every single value of the event manually, including the id and sig values.

This package covers you in thus part and offers a NostrEvent.fromPartialData(...) which requires only the direct fields to be set and the rest will be handled automatically so you don't need to worry about it.

  final event = NostrEvent.fromPartialData(
    kind: 0,
    content: 'This is a test event content',
    tags: [],
    createdAt: DateTime.parse('...'),,

The only required fields here are kind, keyPairs and content.

  • if tags is ignored, it will be set to [].
  • if createdAt is ignored, it will be set to DateTime.now() automatically.
  • other fields like id and sign will be generated automatically.

NostrEvent.fromPartialData requires the keyPairs because it needs to get the private key to sign the event and assign to the sign field, and it needs to get the public key to use it as the pubkey of the event.

To get a NostrKeyPairs of your event creator, refer please to the Keys Service section.

Connecting to relay(s):

as I already said, this package exposes only one main instance, which is Nostr.instance, you will need to initialize/connect to your relay(s) only one time in your Dart/Flutter app with:

  relaysUrl: ['wss://relay.damus.io'],
 onRelayListening: (String relayUrl, receivedData) {}, // will be called once a relay is connected and listening to events.
 onRelayError: (String relayUrl, Object? error) {}, // will be called once a relay is disconnected or an error occurred.
 onRelayDone: (String relayUrl) {}, // will be called once a relay is disconnected, finished.
 lazyListeningToRelays: false, // if true, the relays will not start listening to events until you call `Nostr.instance.relaysService.startListeningToRelays()`, if false, the relays will start listening to events as soon as they are connected.

the only required field here is relaysUrl, which accepts a List<String> that contains the URLs of your relays web sockets, you can pass as many relays as you want.

I personally recommend initializing the relays service in the main() function of your app, so that it will be initialized as soon as the app starts, and will be available to be used anywhere else in your app.

void main() {


Listening to events from relay(s):

For listening to events from relay(s), you will need to create a NostrRequest request with the target filters:

// creating the request.
NostrRequest req = NostrRequest(
 filters: [
     kind: 1,
     tags: ["p", "..."],
     authors: ["..."],

// creating a stream of events.
Stream<NostrEvent> stream = Nostr.instance.relaysService.startEventsSubscription(req);

// listening to the stream.
stream.listen((event) {

you can set manually the subscriptionId of the request, or you can let the package generate it for you automatically.

Sending events to relay(s):

When you have an event that is ready to be sent to your relay(s), you can call the sendEventToRelays() function with the event as the only parameter:


The event will be sent to all the connected relays now, and if you're already subscribing with a NostrRequest to the relays, you will start receiving the event in your stream.

nip-05 verification:

in order to verify a user pubkey with his internet identifier, you will need to call the verifyNip05() function with the user's pubkey and internet identifier as the only parameters:

bool isVerified = await Nostr.instance.relaysService.verifyNip05(
  internetIdentifier: '<THE-INTERNET-IDENTIFIER-OF-THE-USER>',
  pubkey: '<THE-PUBKEY-OF-THE-USER>',
print(isVerified); // ...

if the user is verified, the function will return true, otherwise, it will return false.

nip-11 relay Information Document:

You can get the relay information document by calling the getRelayInformationDocument() function with the relay's URL as the only parameter:

  RelayInformations relayInformationDocument = await Nostr.instance.relaysService.getRelayInformationDocument(
    relayUrl: 'wss://relay.damus.io',
  print(relayInformationDocument.supportedNips); // ...
pub points


verified publishergwhyyy.com

This is a helper package that simplify and accelerate the use of Nostr protocal in Dart/Flutter environment

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bip340, convert, crypto, equatable, http


Packages that depend on dart_nostr