dart_nostr 1.0.1-dev copy "dart_nostr: ^1.0.1-dev" to clipboard
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This is a helper package that simplify and accelerate the use of Nostr protocal in Dart/Flutter environment

Nostr Dart Client for Nostr protocol. #

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This package is a client for the Nostr protocol. It is a wrapper that lets you interact with the Nostr protocol in an easier, faster and more organized way.


(talking to me) please, when you have time, here is a thing to do in addition to maintaining the package.

  • Add tests for every single member.
  • Add more documentation.
  • add more examples.
  • ...

Usage: #

the main and only the instance that you need to use to access all other memebers in this package is:


Nostr.instance offers access to the services of this package which they-self offer many other functionalities to get your things done.

Nostr.instance.keysService; // access to the keys service, which will provide methods to handle user key pairs, private keys, public keys, etc.

Nostr.instance.relaysService; // access to the relays service, which will provide methods to interact with your own relays such as sending events, listening to events, etc.

Keys Service: #

Generate a new key pair:

NostrKeyPairs keyPair = await Nostr.instance.keysService.generateKeyPair();

print(keyPair.private); // ...
print(keyPair.public); // ...

Get a key pair from an existent private key:

NostrKeyPairs keyPair = await Nostr.instance.keysService.generateKeyPairFromExistingPrivateKey(privateKey);

generate and get a new private key directly:

String privateKey = await Nostr.instance.keysService.generatePrivateKey();

Derive a public key from a private key directly:

String publicKey = await Nostr.instance.keysService.derivePublicKey(privateKey);

Sign and verify a message:

String message = ...;
String signature = await Nostr.instance.keysService.sign(
  privateKey: privateKey,
  message: message,
print(signature); // ...

bool isVerified = await Nostr.instance.keysService.verify(
  publicKey: publicKey,
  message: message,
  signature: signature,
print(isMessageVerified); // ...
pub points


verified publishergwhyyy.com

This is a helper package that simplify and accelerate the use of Nostr protocal in Dart/Flutter environment

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


bip340, convert, crypto, equatable


Packages that depend on dart_nostr