dart_ndk 0.1.0-dev3 copy "dart_ndk: ^0.1.0-dev3" to clipboard
dart_ndk: ^0.1.0-dev3 copied to clipboard

Dart Nostr Development Kit

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Dart Nostr Development Kit

Features #

Gossip/outbox model of relay discovery and connectivity #

The simplest characterization of the gossip model is just this: reading the posts of people you follow from the relays that they wrote them to.

more details on https://mikedilger.com/gossip-model/

NIPs #

Getting started #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  dart_nostr: any

Usage #

        RelayManager manager = RelayManager();

        await manager.connect();
        NostrRequest request = await manager.query(
          Filter(kinds: [Nip01Event.TEXT_NODE_KIND], authors: [pubKey]));
        await for (final event in request.stream) {