dart_mappable 0.1.0
dart_mappable: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
Generate typesafe code to serialize / deserialize dart objects without any extra boilerplate code.
import 'main.g.dart';
class Person {
dynamic age;
String name;
bool isAdmin;
Car? car;
List<int> nums;
List<Car> cars;
Person(this.name, this.age, {this.car, this.isAdmin = false, this.nums = const [], required this.cars});
class Animal {
int age;
class Dog extends Animal {
String breed;
Dog(this.breed, int age) : super(age);
enum Brand {
Toyota, Audi, BMW
class Car {
final Brand brand;
final int miles;
const Car(this.miles, this.brand);
void main() {
Car(2, BrandMapper.fromString("asd"));
Dog d = ObjectMapper.fromMap({"age": 10, "breed": "Shiba"});