dart_mailgun 1.0.3 copy "dart_mailgun: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
dart_mailgun: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard

A Dart package for interfacing with the Mailgun API Includes support for MIME messages.

dart-mailgun #

Unit Tests Integration

Mailgun API client written in dart

Forked from dotronglong's repo as it had been unmaintaned for a while.

Functionality #

  • Send messages with any parameters supported by the API

Getting Started #

Pubspec #

  dart_mailgun: ^1.0.3

Initialising client #

  • With default host (api.mailgun.net)
import 'package:dart_mailgun/client.dart';

var client = MailgunClient(domain: "my-mailgun-domain", apiKey: "my-mailgun-api-key");
  • With EU host (api.eu.mailgun.net)
import 'package:dart_mailgun/client.dart';

var client = MailgunClient.eu(domain: "my-mailgun-domain", apiKey: "my-mailgun-api-key");

Sending messages #

Messages are sent using [MessageClient], which comes preconfigured under [MailgunClient.message].

To send a message using the [MessageClient.send] method, you first configure parameters through [MessageParams]. It accepts all parameters that are listed in the Mailgun API docs, and will also handle passing the parameters to a [http.MultipartRequest] object.

The actual content of the email is under [MessageParams.content] and is an instance of [MessageContent], configured using one of the factory constructors:

  • [MessageContent.text] - adds the content under request.fields['text']
  • [MessageContent.html] - adds the content under request.fields['html'], and
  • [MessageContent.template] - lets you send an email using a configured template. It has two parameters; one for the template name and one for a map of the different variables that you want to use.


  • Plaintext
var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.text('hello'),
var response = await messageClient.send(params)
  • HTML
var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.html('<h1>hello</h1>'),
var response = await messageClient.send(params)
  • Template
var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.template('mytemplate', {'var1': 'val1'}),
var response = await messageClient.send(params)

[MessageParams] also accepts attachments as a list of [io.File] objects:

var messageClient = client.message
var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.text('hello'),
  attachments: [File('$path/myfile.txt')],
var response = await messageClient.send(params)

If you can't find the parameter you're looking for it might be configurable under [MessageParams.options] - as an instance of [MessageOptions]:

var params = MessageParams(
  from: from,
  to: to,
  subject: 'email',
  content: MessageContent.text('hello'),
  options: MessageOptions(
    tracking: true,
    requireTLS: false,
    customHeaders: {
      'My-Header': 'myheadervalue'
    dkim: false,
    testMode: true

[MessageOptions] automatically parses the keys of [MessageOptions.customHeaders] to h:X-$key, and [MessageOptions.customVars] to v:$key, so unless you want to you don't need to include the prefix.

Response #

Responses from any clients will be instances of the [Response] class.

The response contains two methods:

  • [Response.ok]returns a boolean indicating a successful response, and
  • [Response.status] returns an instance of [ResponseStatus], which contains the statuscode under [ResponseStatus.code] as well as the reasonphrase under [ResponseStatus.reason].

You can also directly access both of these from [Response.statusCode], and [Response.reasonPhrase] respectively.

The body is found in [Response.body]. It parses both text responses and json responses into [Map<String, String>] and supports both [http.Response]s and [http.StreamedResponse]s. [Response.body] returns a [Future<Map<String, dynamic>>] to be able to read bytes from the body of an [http.StreamedResponse].

Text bodies are added under Response.body['message'].

var response = await client.send(params)
  //handle error
} else {
  var body = await response.body
  // handle result

Plan type safety #

In order to mitigate the risk of errors, the [MessageOptions] class checks if you have the required Mailgun plan to use certain options.

From what I could find in their documentation there are two options that aren't available on plans other than scale:

  • o: deliverytime-optimize-period, and
  • o: timezone-localize

To use these options, when configuring your parameters, under [MessageParams.options], set [MessageOptions.plan] to [PlanType.scale].

pub points


verified publisherperttula.xyz

A Dart package for interfacing with the Mailgun API Includes support for MIME messages.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference






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