dart_helper_utils 2.1.0 copy "dart_helper_utils: ^2.1.0" to clipboard
dart_helper_utils: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard

This package offers a collection of Dart utilities, tools for converting dynamic objects to various types, and extending core Dart classes with extensions.


[2.1.0] #

  • Added tryDecode on any String which tries decodes the JSON string into a dynamic data structure, similar to the 'jsonData'.decode() but this returns null upon failure.
  • Enhanced all the ConvertObject methods.
  • distinctBy on Iterable: Resolved an issue where the distinctBy method did not correctly identify distinct elements. The method now accepts a keySelector function for more flexible uniqueness determination.
    final people = [
      Person('Alice', 25),
      Person('Bob', 30),
      Person('Alice', 28), // Duplicate name
    final uniquePeople = people.distinctBy((p) => p.name);
    // Result: [Person('Alice', 25), Person('Bob', 30)]

[2.0.0] #

This major release focuses on significantly enhancing internationalization (i18n) capabilities, expanding utility functions for maps and numbers, refining date/time manipulation, and introducing substantial improvements to type conversions.

Internationalization (i18n) #

intl Package Integration:

  • Extensions:
    • General:
      • intlSelectLogic, intlSelect (Map)
      • pluralize, getPluralCategory (Num)
      • setAsDefaultLocale, setAsSystemLocale, translate, genderSelect, getGenderCategory (String)
    • DateFormat:
      • tryFormat, format, and various formatting methods (DateTime)
      • dateFormat, toDateAutoFormat, toDateFormatted, toDateFormattedLoose, toDateFormattedStrict, toDateFormattedUtc, localeExists (String)
    • Bidi:
      • toBidiFormatter (TextDirection)
      • Various bidi text manipulation methods (String)
    • NumberFormat:
      • toNumFormatted, toIntFormatted, toDoubleFormatted (String)
      • formatAsCurrency, formatAsCompact, and various other formatting methods (Num)
  • Access:
    • We provided direct access to the intl common classes like Intl, Bidi, BidiFormatter, NumberFormat, and DateFormat.
    • Instead of directly exposing the TextDirection class (which could cause confusion with the TextDirection enum in Flutter's dart:ui library), we've provided three global constants:
      • textDirectionLTR, textDirectionRTL, and textDirectionUNKNOWN.

Date and Time Utilities #

New Getter

  • httpFormat (formats this date according to RFC-1123 e.g. "Thu, 1 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMT")

Flexible Weekday Customization:

  • Added optional startOfWeek parameter to firstDayOfWeek and lastDayOfWeek.

Streamlined DateTime Calculations:

  • Consolidated various DateTime manipulation methods for consistency and added tests.

Other Utilities #

New Methods on Map:

  • isEqual: checks for deep equality with other Map of the same type.
  • isPrimitive: checks if every Key and Value is a primitive type.
  • setIfMissing (add entries conditionally)
  • update (update values based on a condition)
  • filter (filter entries using predicates)
  • keysList, valuesList, keysSet, valuesSet (get lists or sets of keys/values)

New Methods on Iterable:

  • isEqual: checks for deep equality with other iterable of the same type.
  • isPrimitive: checks if every element is a primitive type.

New Global Methods:

  • isEqual(dynamic a, dynamic b): Determines deep equality between two objects, including nested lists, maps,and custom types.
  • isValuePrimitive(dynamic value): Checks if a given value is a primitive type (e.g., num, bool, String,DateTime, etc.) based on its runtime type.
  • isTypePrimitive<T>(): Checks if a given type T is considered a primitive type at compile time.

New Extractions on Map & Iterable:

  • Added a new set of type-safe converters to safely extract values from Map<K, V> and List<E>:
    • getString, getNum, getInt, getBigInt, getDouble, getBool, getDateTime,getUri, getMap, getSet, getList.
    • It also supports nullable converters such as tryGetString, tryGetNum, tryGetInt, etc.
    • for Map, it requires the key e.g. map.getNum('key')
    • for List, it requires the index e.g. list.getNum(1)
    • all other optionals in the ConvertObject class are also supported.

Conversion Functions #

Enhanced Flexibility:

  • Added optional format and locale parameters to numeric conversion functions (toNum, tryToNum, toInt, tryToInt, toDouble, tryToDouble).
  • Added optional format, locale, autoDetectFormat, useCurrentLocale, and utc parameters to datetime conversion functions (toDateTime, tryToDateTime).
  • All of these optionals are available to all static methods int he ConvertObject class, as well the global methods and the new extraction methods on the Map and Iterable.

Additional Improvements #

  • Fixed various minor bugs and inconsistencies in extension methods.
  • Enhanced documentation.
  • Added test coverage for all date related extensions, with more tests planned for the future.

Breaking Changes #

try/toDateWithFormat renamed to try/toDateFormatted:

  • Update any code referencing try/toDateWithFormat to use try/toDateFormatted instead.

dateFormat on String is no longer a getter, it's a method that accepts optional locale:

  • instead of 'yyyy MM'.dateFormat use 'yyyy MM'.dateFormat() or yyyy MM'.dateFormat('en_US').

isPrimitiveType (Global) renamed to isValuePrimitive:

  • Update any code referencing isPrimitiveType to use isValuePrimitive instead.

flatJson (Map) renamed to flatMap:

  • Update any code referencing flatJson to use flatMap instead.

makeEncodable and safelyEncodedJson renamed to encodableCopy and encodedJsonString:

  • Fixed an issue where sets were not correctly converted to JSON-encodable lists.
  • Update any code referencing these methods to use their new names.

firstDayOfWeek and lastDayOfWeek:

  • These methods now have an optional startOfWeek parameter, which may affect behavior if not explicitly specified.

Migration Guide #

  • You can see the migration guide for this version from here.
  • You can see all the migration guides in the GitHub repo from here.

[1.2.0] #

  • New Feature: Added the toWords getter on String, which converts any String to a List<String>, handling complex cases more effectively than the native split() method.

    • Example Usage:

      print("FlutterAndDart_are-AWESOME".toWords); // [Flutter, And, Dart, are, AWESOME]

[1.1.0] #

Enhancements #

  • String Case Conversions:
    • capitalizeFirstLetter: Now only capitalizes the first letter, preserving the rest of the case.
    • NEW: capitalizeFirstLowerRest: Provides the previous behavior, capitalizing the first letter and lowercasing the rest.

Added #

  • Expanded String Case Conversions: Added comprehensive case conversion extensions:

    • toPascalCase: PascalCase (UpperCamelCase).
    • toTitleCase: Title Case.
    • toCamelCase: camelCase (dromedaryCase).
    • toSnakeCase: snake_case (snail_case, pothole_case).
    • toKebabCase: kebab-case (dash-case, lisp-case, spinal-case).
    • toScreamingKebabCase: SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE (COBOL-CASE).
    • toPascalSnakeCase: Pascal_Snake_Case.
    • toPascalKebabCase: Pascal-Kebab-Case.
    • toTrainCase: Train-Case (HTTP-Header-Case).
    • toCamelSnakeCase: camel_Snake_Case.
    • toCamelKebabCase: camel-Kebab-Case.
    • toDotCase: dot.case.
    • toFlatCase: flatcase.
    • toScreamingCase: SCREAMINGCASE (UPPERCASE).
  • Nullable String Handling: Added extensions for case conversion of nullable strings:

    • lowercaseFirstLetter: Lowercases only the first letter of the string, preserving the rest of the case.
    • capitalizeFirstLowerRest: Capitalizes the first letter of the string and lowers the rest.
    • tryToLowerCase: same as the native toLowerCase() but for nullable strings.
    • tryToUpperCase same as the native toUpperCase() but for nullable strings.
  • String Utility:

    • isBlank: Alias for isEmptyOrNull, checks if a string is null, empty, or solely whitespace.

[1.0.1] #

  • Updated the README.

[1.0.0] - 2024-05-25 #

Initial release of dart_helper_utils, which includes all the Dart utilities from flutter_helper_utils up to version 4.1.0

Added #

  • ConvertObject class now accepts raw JSON strings for List, Set, and Map conversions, e.g., tryToList<int>("[1,2,3]").
  • New TimeUtils class for measuring and comparing execution times, with methods like:
    • executionDuration: Calculates the duration of a task (synchronous or asynchronous).
    • executionDurations: Measures execution times for a list of tasks.
    • compareExecutionTimes: Compares the execution durations of two tasks.
    • throttle: Creates a throttled function that invokes the function at most once per specified interval.
    • runPeriodically: Executes a function periodically with a given interval.
    • runWithTimeout: Executes a function with a timeout, cancelling if it exceeds the specified duration.

Notes #



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This package offers a collection of Dart utilities, tools for converting dynamic objects to various types, and extending core Dart classes with extensions.

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intl, mime


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