dart_helper_utils 1.1.0 copy "dart_helper_utils: ^1.1.0" to clipboard
dart_helper_utils: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

This package offers a collection of Dart utilities, tools for converting dynamic objects to various types, and extending core Dart classes with extensions.

[1.1.0] #


  • String Case Conversions:
    • capitalizeFirstLetter: Now only capitalizes the first letter, preserving the rest of the case.
    • NEW: capitalizeFirstLowerRest: Provides the previous behavior, capitalizing the first letter and lowercasing the rest.


  • Expanded String Case Conversions: Added comprehensive case conversion extensions:

    • toPascalCase: PascalCase (UpperCamelCase).
    • toTitleCase: Title Case.
    • toCamelCase: camelCase (dromedaryCase).
    • toSnakeCase: snake_case (snail_case, pothole_case).
    • toKebabCase: kebab-case (dash-case, lisp-case, spinal-case).
    • toScreamingKebabCase: SCREAMING-KEBAB-CASE (COBOL-CASE).
    • toPascalSnakeCase: Pascal_Snake_Case.
    • toPascalKebabCase: Pascal-Kebab-Case.
    • toTrainCase: Train-Case (HTTP-Header-Case).
    • toCamelSnakeCase: camel_Snake_Case.
    • toCamelKebabCase: camel-Kebab-Case.
    • toDotCase: dot.case.
    • toFlatCase: flatcase.
    • toScreamingCase: SCREAMINGCASE (UPPERCASE).
  • Nullable String Handling: Added extensions for case conversion of nullable strings:

    • lowercaseFirstLetter: Lowercases only the first letter of the string, preserving the rest of the case.
    • capitalizeFirstLowerRest: Capitalizes the first letter of the string and lowers the rest.
    • tryToLowerCase: same as the native toLowerCase() but for nullable strings.
    • tryToUpperCase same as the native toUpperCase() but for nullable strings.
  • String Utility:

    • isBlank: Alias for isEmptyOrNull, checks if a string is null, empty, or solely whitespace.

[1.0.1] #

  • Updated the README.

[1.0.0] - 2024-05-25 #

Initial release of dart_helper_utils, which includes all the Dart utilities from flutter_helper_utils up to version 4.1.0


  • ConvertObject class now accepts raw JSON strings for List, Set, and Map conversions, e.g., tryToList<int>("[1,2,3]").
  • New TimeUtils class for measuring and comparing execution times, with methods like:
    • executionDuration: Calculates the duration of a task (synchronous or asynchronous).
    • executionDurations: Measures execution times for a list of tasks.
    • compareExecutionTimes: Compares the execution durations of two tasks.
    • throttle: Creates a throttled function that invokes the function at most once per specified interval.
    • runPeriodically: Executes a function periodically with a given interval.
    • runWithTimeout: Executes a function with a timeout, cancelling if it exceeds the specified duration.


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This package offers a collection of Dart utilities, tools for converting dynamic objects to various types, and extending core Dart classes with extensions.

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intl, mime


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