dart_helper_utils 5.1.0
dart_helper_utils: ^5.1.0 copied to clipboard
This package offers a collection of Dart utilities, tools for converting dynamic objects to various types, and extending core Dart classes with extensions.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'package:dart_helper_utils/dart_helper_utils.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
print(20.formatAsReadableNumber(trimTrailingZeros: true));
const rawJsonList = '[1.5, 2.3, 3.4]';
final intList = tryToList<int>(rawJsonList, defaultValue: []);
print(intList); // [1, 2, 3]
final list = <dynamic>[1, 2, '3', '3.1', 22.3];
print(list.convertTo<num>()); // [1, 2, 3, 3.1, 22.3]
print(list.convertTo<int>()); // [1, 2, 3, 3, 22]
print(list.convertTo<double>()); // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 22.3]
print(list.convertTo<String>()); // ['1', '2', '3', '3.1', '22.3']
// parsing raw Json to Map<String, dynamic>
// note: you can also use the ConvertObject.toMap to avoid ambiguity.
final userMap = toMap<String, dynamic>('''
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"wallet": 12.3,
"codes": [1, 2, 3],
"email": "john@example.com",
"birthday": "12/12/1997"
// Example of using list converter & extensions.
final codes = userMap.getList<int>('codes');
print('First Code: ${codes.firstOrNull}');
print('Random Code: ${codes.getRandom()}');
// Example of using safe int conversions for dynamic data.
final walletBalance = toInt(userMap['wallet']);
// OR
// final walletBalance = userMap.getInt('wallet');
// final walletBalance = ConvertObject.toInt(userMap['wallet']);
print('user walletBalance: $walletBalance');
// Example of using string extensions
final userMail = toString1(userMap['email']);
print('Is Valid Email: ${userMail.isValidEmail}');
// Example of using the global [httpStatusMessages]
const httpStatusCode = 200;
print('Status: $httpStatusCode - ${httpStatusMessages[httpStatusCode]}');
print('Is Success: ${httpStatusCode.isSuccessCode}');
print('Is Client Error: ${httpStatusCode.isClientErrorCode}');
// quickly use normal date parsing.
print('1997-08-12 00:00:00.000'.toDateTime);
// parsing complex datetime formats.
const dateStr1 = '2024-06-09T15:30:00Z';
const dateStr2 = 'June 9, 2024 3:30 PM';
const dateStr3 = 'Tuesday, June 11th, 2024 at 2:15 PM';
const stringToConvert =
'123Lorem-Ipsum_is_simply 12DummyText & of THE_PRINTING AND type_setting-industry.';
// Convert to camelCase
print('Convert to Camel Case:');
// Convert to pascalCase
print('Convert to Pascal Case:');
// Convert to snake_case
print('Convert to Snake Case:');
// Convert to camel_Snake_Case
print('Convert to Camel Snake Case:');
// Convert to kebab-case
print('Convert to Kebab Case:');
// Convert to Title Case
print('Convert to Title Case:');
// Unlike the toTitleCase, this one generates a title from string
// while ignoring dashes and underscores. Useful for entity name formating.
print('Generating a title while ignoring - and _');
// [Flutter, And, Dart, are, AWESOME]
// Converting a map with potentially complex data types to
// a formatted JSON string using the safelyEncodedJson getter.
final exampleMap = {
'id': 2,
'firstName': 'John',
'lastName': 'Doe',
'timePeriod': TimePeriod.week, // Example enum.
'date': DateTime.now(),
'isActive': true,
'scores': [95, 85, 90], // List of integers
'tags': {'flutter', 'dart'}, // Set of strings
'nestedMap': {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 123,
'key3': DateTime.now() - 1.asDays,
// Convert the map to a formatted JSON string
// Convert the Map into a single-level map.
print('Flat JSON: ${exampleMap.flatMap()}');
// Examples for num extensions
const num myNumber = 1234.56789;
const num largeNumber = 123456789012345.6789;
print('Currency: ${myNumber.formatAsCurrency()}');
print('Simple Currency: ${myNumber.formatAsSimpleCurrency(name: 'USD')}');
print('Compact: ${myNumber.formatAsCompact()}');
print('Compact Long: ${largeNumber.formatAsCompactLong()}');
print('Compact Currency: ${myNumber.formatAsCompactCurrency(name: '¥')}');
print('Decimal: ${myNumber.formatAsDecimal()}');
print('Percentage: ${myNumber.formatAsPercentage()}');
print('Decimal Percent: ${myNumber.formatAsDecimalPercent()}');
print('Scientific: ${myNumber.formatAsScientific()}');
print('Custom Pattern: ${myNumber.formatWithCustomPattern('#,##0.00 €')}');
// Example of using TimeUtils to measure execution duration of
// a specific task. Works with both sync and async.
final executionDuration = await TimeUtils.executionDuration(() {
// measuring execution duration of generating 1 million list item 100 times;
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
List.generate(1000000, (index) => userMap);
'1 Million list generated in: ${executionDuration.inMilliseconds} milliseconds',
// Example of comparing two tasks execution time using the TimeUtils class.
final durations = await TimeUtils.compareExecutionTimes(
taskA: () {
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
List.generate(1000000, (index) => userMap);
taskB: () async => 100.millisecondsDelay,
'TaskA took ${durations.$1.inMilliseconds} ms, TaskB took ${durations.$2.inMilliseconds} ms',
final result = await TimeUtils.runWithTimeout(
task: () async {
await 500.millisecondsDelay();
return 'Completed';
timeout: const Duration(seconds: 1),
print('Result: $result');
final doublyLinkedList = [1, 2, 3, 4].toDoublyLinkedList()
final node = doublyLinkedList.findNode(1);
print(doublyLinkedList[1]); // [index] returns an element at specific index
// loop over elements
for (final e in doublyLinkedList) {
print('e: $e');
// loop over nodes
for (final node in doublyLinkedList.nodes) {
print('Prev: ${node.prev}, Current: ${node.data}, Next: ${node.next}');
final httpDateTypeTestCases = {
'Thu, 30 Aug 2024 12:00:00 GMT': 'RFC-1123',
'Thursday, 30-Aug-24 12:00:00 GMT': 'RFC-850',
'Thu Aug 30 12:00:00 2024': 'ANSI C asctime()',
'Invalid date string': 'Invalid',
'Wed, 31 Feb 2024 12:00:00 GMT': 'Invalid date',
'Sun, 29 Feb 2024 12:00:00 GMT': 'RFC-1123 (Leap year)',
for (final entry in httpDateTypeTestCases.entries) {
final dateStr = entry.key;
final formatDescription = entry.value;
final parsedDate = dateStr.parseHttpDate();
if (parsedDate != null) {
print('Date string: "$dateStr" ($formatDescription)');
print('Parsed DateTime: ${parsedDate.toIso8601String()}');
} else {
print('Date string: "$dateStr" ($formatDescription)');
print('Parsing failed (DateTime is null)');
print(12.toDecimalString(2)); // Output: 12
print(12.10.toDecimalString(2)); // Output: 12.1
print(12.1.toDecimalString(2, keepTrailingZeros: true)); // 12.10
print(12.123.toDecimalString(2)); // 12.12
final age = DateTime(1997, 8, 12).calculateAge();
print('I am ${age.years} years old!');
final palestine = DHUCountry.getByCode('ps');
print(palestine?.flagEmoji); // 🇵🇸
final timeZone = DHUTimezone.byIdentifier('Africa/Cairo');
timeZone.getCountries().forEach((e) => print(e.flagEmoji));
// Example enum used in the map
enum TimePeriod {
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