dart_gsheet_remote_config 1.2.1+3 copy "dart_gsheet_remote_config: ^1.2.1+3" to clipboard
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A package that allows you to use Google Sheets as a remote config for changing your Dart/Flutter app's behaviors, settings,.. without updating.

Dart Google Sheet Remote Config #

pub package

This is a package that allows you to use Google Sheets as a remote config for changing your Dart/Flutter app's behaviors, settings,.. without updating. It is inspired by @theapache64's blog.

How it works #

MUST READ before use #

  • If you have some configs (API key, token,...) related to security, please DO NOT use this package, because it is PUBLIC and NOT SECURE.

Setup #

Google Sheet #

  • Create a Google Sheet document, make it PUBLIC & READ ONLY (If not you will get 401, in the future I will find the way to inject auth token for private sheeet) and put an easy to remember document name.


  • Add your data to sheet in format:
    • First column will be keys
    • Second column will be values


  • MUST READ: Every values in sheet is marked as String. For int, doube, bool, we should convert it to String, use TO_TEXT fomular to convert value to String type:


  • You can create more than 1 worksheet to manage your config better and it can be selected to get correct data.


Dart #

dart pub add dart_gsheet_remote_config

Flutter #

flutter pub add dart_gsheet_remote_config

How to use #

Create your SheetRemoteConfig instance.

import 'package:dart_gsheet_remote_config/dart_gsheet_remote_config.dart';

final remoteConfig = SheetRemoteConfig();

SheetRemoteConfig has a param Client from http package so you can pass your custom Client object when create SheetRemoteConfig instance.

import 'package:dart_gsheet_remote_config/dart_gsheet_remote_config.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;

final client = http.Client();

final remoteConfig = SheetRemoteConfig(client: client);

Fetch remote config data #

SheetRemoteConfig provides initilize function and you must pass id and sheetName to initilize remote config:

  • Document id you can find it in your Google Sheet document Url. For example your Sheet url is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/123456789, id will be 123456789.

  • sheetName is worksheet name, nullable, first worksheet will be used if null or passed value is not found.

import 'package:dart_gsheet_remote_config/dart_gsheet_remote_config.dart';

final remoteConfig = SheetRemoteConfig();

await remoteConfig.initilize(id: '123456789'); // First worksheet will be used

await remoteConfig.initilize(id: '123456789', sheetName: 'Sheet1'); // Use specific worksheet name

MUST READ: id mustn't be hardcode if you don't want others to use your remote config. You can use id as .env field or via dart-define and pass it to your app via environment variable. You can use some packages like flutter_dotenv, envied to load .env file.

Get data from remote #

SheetRemoteConfig fetchs data in CSV format, data is returned in key-value format, you can key to get value via get functions, currently SheetRemoteConfig supports String, int, double, bool.

Example response:

"key3","value from key 3"

And get data:

final valueKey1 = remoteConfig.getBool('key1');
print(valueKey1); // true

final valueKey2 = remoteConfig.getInt('key2');
print(valueKey2); // 10

final valueKey3 = remoteConfig.getString('key3');
print(valueKey3); // value from key 3

final valueKey4 = remoteConfig.getDouble('key4');
print(valueKey4); // 1.0

If provided key is not found or provided T is incorrect, get functions will return null.

final valueKey5 = remoteConfig.getString('key5');
print(valueKey5); // null

You can pass defaultValue when get functions returns null.

final valueKey5 = remoteConfig.getString('key5', defaultValue: 'this is default value');
print(valueKey5); // this is default value

Get all data from remote #

SheetRemoteConfig provides getAll function to get all data from remote.

final allData = remoteConfig.getAll();
print(allData); // {key1: true, key2: 10, key3: value from key 3, key4: 1.0}

Happy coding #

That's all for now! Want a feature? Found a bug? Create an issue!



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A package that allows you to use Google Sheets as a remote config for changing your Dart/Flutter app's behaviors, settings,.. without updating.

Repository (GitHub)


#remote #config


API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on dart_gsheet_remote_config