dart_extend 0.0.4 dart_extend: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
A dart pakage with many diffrent method to fasten up your coding.
Features #
use the following dart method directly in your code and speed up your app development #
.isNull //return bool check if the given value is null or not
.isemail(); // return bool
.isNum; //return bool check if the given string is numeric type or not
.removeduplicates(); // remove duplicates from your list
.ordinal();; // convert number into ordered form e.g 1st 2nd 55th 22th
.isNum; //return bool check if the given string is numeric type or not
From Epoch
1665102617.epochToDate(); // return DateTime like 2022-10-07 05:41:03.162
1665102617.epochToTime();// 5:30 AM
final date2 = DateTime(2011, 1, 15).weekOftheYearFromDate(); // 2nd week
98.minToDuration(); // 1.6 hr
Getting started #
Validators #
final email = 'mashoodhussain100@gmail.com'.isemail(); // true
final email = "mashood100".isemail(); // false
"1223ee2".isNum; //false
bool isDouble = "122".isNum; // true
check is string value is number or not
"1223ee2".isNum; //false
"122".isNum; // true
Formatters #
final test1 = 44.ordinal(); // 44th
final test2 = 1.ordinal();// 1st
Remove Duplicates from List
List myArray = ['x', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'o', 'x', 'y', 'y', 'r', 'a'];
List unique = myArray.removeduplicates(); //[ x, w, y ,o, r, a ]
Conversations #
From Epoch
final test1 = 1665102617.epochToDate(); // return DateTime like 2022-10-07 05:41:03.162
final time = 1665102617.epochToTime();// 5:30 AM
From DateTime
final date1 = DateTime.now().weekOftheYearFromDate(); // return current week number of the year eg: 12
final date2 = DateTime(2011, 1, 15).weekOftheYearFromDate(); // 2
final week = 112398.minToDuration(); // weeks
final week = 98.minToDuration(); // 1.6 hr
Time Ago Stamps #
From Epoch
String myTimeago = DateTime.now().timeAgoSinceDateTime(dateInNumbers: true); // just now
From DateTime
String timeagoInString = 1665192814.timeAgoSinceEpochDate(dateInNumbers: false); // return 12 days ago
Generate unique user names
var generate = Generator();
// barley_harryy_1
// set addspcae parameter false so it will generate username without spaces( _ )
// by default its true
print(generate.randomUserName(addSpace: false));
// barleyharryy1
// mashood_82
print(generate.makeUserName('Mashood Hussain'));
// mashood_Hussain_23
print(generate.makeUserName('Mashood Hussain'));
// mashoodHussain23
// set with number false to make usernames with number
print(generate.makeUserName('John Doe', withNumber: false));
// mashood_Hussain
// you can also set prefix and sufffix so it will apperes on every username that you generates
print(generate.makeUserName('Mashood Hussain',
withNumber: false, prefix: 'developer', suffix: 'fultter'));
// developer_mashood_hussain_flutter
date: DateTime.parse('2001-06-20')));
// mashood_01
firstName: 'mashood',
lastName: 'hussain',
adjectives: ['ready', 'happy']),
// doe_john_10_ready
generate.usernameFromName(firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe'),
// doe_john_10
//set isadjectives true to get a username with adjective word
generate.listOfUserName('Mashood Hussain', length: 4, isadjectives: true),
// [
// 4_mashood_awsome,
// 20_hussain_great,
// 7_mashood_fast,
// hussain_mashood_99
// ]
// by default isadjectives is false
generate.listOfUserName('Mashood Hussain', length: 4),
// [
// 4_mashood,
// 20_hussain,
// 7_mashood,
// hussain_mashood_99
// ]
Additional information #
For more info or contribution visit https://github.com/mashood100/dart_extend