dart_eval 0.0.2 copy "dart_eval: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
dart_eval: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


A flexible Dart interpreter written in Dart, enabling code push for AOT Dart apps.


import 'package:dart_eval/dart_eval.dart';

// *** Class definitions. ***                                                            //
// NOTE: In order to use these within dart_eval, scroll to the end of the file           //
// to see an example of the necessary boilerplate (will be auto-generated in the future) //

class TimestampedTime {
  const TimestampedTime(this.utcTime, {this.timezoneOffset = 0});

  final int utcTime;
  final int timezoneOffset;

abstract class WorldTimeTracker {

  TimestampedTime getTimeFor(String country);

// *** Main code *** //

void main() {
  // Setup a parser
  final parser = Parse();

  // Add our class definitions

  // Parse the code we want to run. The scope variable now holds
  // all top-level declared classes and functions, ready to run
  final scope = parser.parse('''
    class MyWorldTimeTracker extends WorldTimeTracker {
      final countries = <String, TimestampedTime> {
        'USA': _currentTimeWithOffset(4),
        'UK': _currentTimeWithOffset(6),
      static TimestampedTime _currentTimeWithOffset(int offset) {
        return TimestampedTime(DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
          timezoneOffset: offset);
      TimestampedTime getTimeFor(String country) {
        return countries[country];
    MyWorldTimeTracker fn(String country) {
      final timeTracker = MyWorldTimeTracker();
      final myTime = timeTracker.getTimeFor(country);
      print(country + ' timezone offset: ' + myTime.timezoneOffset.toString() + ' (from Eval!)');
      return timeTracker;

  // The returned scope is a callable class, so it's easy to call your method
  final timeTracker = scope('fn', [Parameter(EvalString('USA'))]) as WorldTimeTracker;

  print('UK timezone offset: ' + timeTracker.getTimeFor('UK').timezoneOffset.toString() + ' (from outside Eval!)');

// *** Start of required boilerplate code. This can be auto-generated in the future. *** //

// Create a library-local lexical scope so that all classes and functions within
// a library can always access each other. Inherit from the empty scope.
final _libraryLexicalScope = EvalScope(EvalScope.empty, {});

// Define the type of the class, which includes its name, the library it's defined in, and
// what it inherits from (Object in this case => EvalType.objectType)
final timestampedTimeType = EvalType(
    'TimestampedTime', 'TimestampedTime', 'package:dart_eval/dart_eval_example.dart', [EvalType.objectType], true);

/// Extend the original class with the below mixins
class EvalTimestampedTime extends TimestampedTime
    with ValueInterop<TimestampedTime>, EvalBridgeObjectMixin<TimestampedTime>, BridgeRectifier<TimestampedTime> {
  /// Create constructors for each of the original class's constructors
  EvalTimestampedTime(int utcTime, {int timezoneOffset = 0}) : super(utcTime, timezoneOffset: timezoneOffset);

  /// Create a [BridgeInstantiator] to instantiate this class.
  /// If you had multiple constructors in your class you would use a switch statement
  /// on the constructor parameter to choose which one to call
  static final BridgeInstantiator<TimestampedTime> _evalInstantiator =
      (String constructor, List<dynamic> pos, Map<String, dynamic> named) {
    return EvalTimestampedTime(pos[0], timezoneOffset: named['timezoneOffset']);

  // Define the declaration, which creates the static class reference with the correct library lexical scope
  static final declaration = DartBridgeDeclaration(
      visibility: DeclarationVisibility.PUBLIC,
      declarator: (ctx, lex, cur) =>
          {'TimestampedTime': EvalField('TimestampedTime', cls = clsgen(lex), null, Getter(null))});

  /// Define the static class reference. This should include all static methods
  /// and fields, as well as constructors which are effectively static.
  static final clsgen = (lexicalScope) => EvalBridgeClass([
        DartConstructorDeclaration('', [
          ParameterDefinition('utcTime', EvalType.intType, false, false, false, true, null, isField: true),
          ParameterDefinition('timezoneOffset', EvalType.intType, false, true, true, false, null, isField: false)
      ], timestampedTimeType, lexicalScope, TimestampedTime, _evalInstantiator);

  static late EvalBridgeClass cls;

  /// Create an instance of [EvalBridgeData] so that dart_eval can store information
  /// about any changes it's made to a psuedo-subclass of this class when extending it
  EvalBridgeData evalBridgeData = EvalBridgeData(cls);

  /// Not required, but recommended: create a utility method for wrapping an existing,
  /// external instance of the original class in an Eval-friendly wrapper.
  /// If another class "Class A" in your app - outside of Eval - returns an instance
  /// of the original class "Class B" in a method or getter, and then make
  /// Class A Bridge-compatible, you will have to wrap that return value.
  /// Doing it in the source class is the best way to ensure code reuse and ease of
  /// future updates.
  static EvalValue evalMakeWrapper(TimestampedTime? target) {
    if (target == null) {
      return EvalNull();
    return EvalRealObject(target, cls: cls, fields: {
      'utcTime': EvalField(
              (lexical, inherited, generics, args, {target}) => EvalInt(target?.realValue!.utcTime!)))),
      'timezoneOffset': EvalField(
              (lexical, inherited, generics, args, {target}) => EvalInt(target?.realValue!.timezoneOffset!))))

  /// For each getter and setter: attempt to set/get the property
  /// using [evalBridgeTryGetField] first.
  int get utcTime {
    final _f = evalBridgeTryGetField('utcTime');
    if (_f != null) return _f.evalReifyFull();
    return super.utcTime;

  int get timezoneOffset {
    final _f = evalBridgeTryGetField('timezoneOffset');
    if (_f != null) return _f.evalReifyFull();
    return super.timezoneOffset;

  /// Override the [evalGetField] method to give Eval access to your class's base
  /// fields and methods.
  /// You'll have to wrap the return values in an Eval class - these are defined
  /// for built-in Dart types (e.g. [EvalInt], [EvalString]) - but for your own
  /// classes you'll want to use static definitions of [evalMakeWrapper].
  EvalValue evalGetField(String name, {bool internalGet = false}) {
    switch (name) {
      case 'utcTime':
        final _f = evalBridgeTryGetField('utcTime');
        if (_f != null) return _f;
        return EvalInt(super.utcTime);
      case 'timezoneOffset':
        final _f = evalBridgeTryGetField('timezoneOffset');
        if (_f != null) return _f;
        return EvalInt(super.timezoneOffset);
        return super.evalGetField(name, internalGet: internalGet);

final worldTimeTrackerType = EvalType(
    'WorldTimeTracker', 'WorldTimeTracker', 'package:dart_eval/dart_eval_example.dart', [EvalType.objectType], true);

class EvalWorldTimeTracker extends WorldTimeTracker
    with ValueInterop<WorldTimeTracker>, EvalBridgeObjectMixin<WorldTimeTracker>, BridgeRectifier<WorldTimeTracker> {
  EvalWorldTimeTracker() : super();

  static final BridgeInstantiator<WorldTimeTracker> _evalInstantiator =
      (String constructor, List<dynamic> pos, Map<String, dynamic> named) {
    return EvalWorldTimeTracker();

  static final declaration = DartBridgeDeclaration(
      visibility: DeclarationVisibility.PUBLIC,
      declarator: (ctx, lex, cur) =>
          {'WorldTimeTracker': EvalField('WorldTimeTracker', cls = clsgen(lex), null, Getter(null))});

  static final clsgen = (lexicalScope) => EvalBridgeClass([DartConstructorDeclaration('', [])], worldTimeTrackerType,
      _libraryLexicalScope, WorldTimeTracker, _evalInstantiator);

  static late EvalBridgeClass cls;

  EvalBridgeData evalBridgeData = EvalBridgeData(cls);

  static EvalValue evalMakeWrapper(WorldTimeTracker? target) {
    if (target == null) {
      return EvalNull();
    return EvalRealObject(target, cls: cls);

  /// Use [bridgeCall] to override methods
  TimestampedTime getTimeFor(String country) => bridgeCall('getTimeFor', [EvalString(country)]);

  EvalValue evalGetField(String name, {bool internalGet = false}) {
    switch (name) {
      case 'getTimeFor':
        return evalBridgeTryGetField('getTimeFor') ??
            (throw Exception('Cannot access method getTimeFor() of an abstract class'));
        return super.evalGetField(name, internalGet: internalGet);
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A flexible Dart interpreter written in Dart, enabling code push for AOT Dart apps.

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