dart_ddi 0.5.1 copy "dart_ddi: ^0.5.1" to clipboard
dart_ddi: ^0.5.1 copied to clipboard

A Dependency Injection package, with Qualifier, Decorators, Interceptors, Events and more. Inspired by Java CDI and get_it.

0.5.1 #

New Features #

  • Introduced a shorthand variable ddi for ease of use, replacing the need to use DDI.instance.
  • Added the capability to register children instances within module registrations, enhancing modularization and organization of dependencies. - Added ability to enable or disable debugMode behavior.
  • Included the DDIController mixin, providing a simplified approach to dependency injection usage.

Breaking Change #

  • Removed the inject variable from DDIModule, now using ddi directly for more streamlined usage.

0.5.0 #

  • Added support for Modules.
  • Added Mixin DDIModule to help to use Modules behavior.
  • Added Mixin PreDispose with execution before the class is disposed.
  • Added methods isRegistered to Stream, Events and Beans instances.
  • Future improvements.

0.4.0 #

  • Added proper support for register and get Future instances.

0.3.1 #

  • Fixed Documentation links.
  • Some Futures instances behaviors fix.

0.3.0 #

  • Migrating from flutter_test and flutter_lints to test and lints.
  • Added support for Streams.
  • Refactor Events behavior.
  • Exceptions and code improvements.

0.2.0 #

  • Added Mixin PostConstruct with execution after class construction.
  • Added Mixin PreDestroy with execution before the class is destroyed.
  • Added support for Events.
    • Subscribe, unsubscribe and fire events.
    • Conditional subscription.
    • Asynchronous and Isolate events.

0.1.0 #

  • Added a new Object Scope.
  • Added the parameter destroyable.
  • Renamed qualifierName to qualifier.
  • Removed the Widget Scope, as it had the same behavior as Dependent Scope.
  • Removed the DDIContext extension and any Flutter dependecy. In the future there will be an extension with specific features for Flutter.

0.0.2 #

  • Add app with example
  • Folder structure

0.0.1 #

  • Scopes: Singleton, Application, Dependent, Session and Widget.
  • Support register, get, dispose and destroy.
  • Qualifiers support.
  • Decorators support.
  • Interceptors support.
  • Conditional register.
  • Post Construct support.
  • Circular Dependency Injection Detector (Experimental).
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A Dependency Injection package, with Qualifier, Decorators, Interceptors, Events and more. Inspired by Java CDI and get_it.

Repository (GitHub)
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#dependency-injection #di #injection #java #cdi


unknown (license)


Packages that depend on dart_ddi