dart_clip 1.0.1 copy "dart_clip: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
dart_clip: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

Calculator Language for Immediate Processing

dart_clip #

"Calculator Language for Immediate Processing"

It is an engine for calculation processing in the CLIP language.

For the CLIP language, see "http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~satis/clip/language_e.html".

Use this package as a library #


  dart_clip: ^1.0.0

EasyClip #

It provides the ability to easily run the CLIP engine from Dart.

import 'package:dart_clip/extras/easyclip.dart';

Overwriting functions #

assertProc = ( int num, String? func ){
  // Returns true if processing is stopped when assertion fails
  return false;
errorProc = ( int err, int num, String func, String token ){
  // The following is an example of generating a string
  String str = (((err & CLIP_PROC_WARN) != 0) ? "warning:" : "error:") + intToString( err.toDouble(), 16, 4 ) + " line:$num";

printAnsComplex = ( String real, String imag ){
  // The following is an example of generating a string
  String str = real + imag;
printAnsMultiPrec = ( String str ){
printAnsMatrix = ( ClipParam param, ClipToken array ){
  // The following is an example of generating a string
  String str = curClip().getArrayTokenString( param, array, 0 );
printWarn = ( String warn, int num, String func ){
  // The following is an example of generating a string
  String str = "warning: ";
  if( func.isNotEmpty ){
    str += "$func: ";
  if( num > 0 ){
    str += "line:$num ";
  str += warn;
printError = ( String error, int num, String func ){
  // The following is an example of generating a string
  String str = "error: ";
  if( func.isNotEmpty ){
    str += "$func: ";
  if( num > 0 ){
    str += "line:$num ";
  str += error;

doCommandClear = (){
  // Function called when command ":clear" is executed
doCommandPrint = ( ClipProcPrint? topPrint, bool flag ){
  // Functions called when the commands ":print" / ":println" are executed
  // When command ":print", false is passed to flag, and when command ":println", true is passed to flag.
  // The following is an example of generating a string
  String str = "";
  ClipProcPrint? cur = topPrint;
  while( cur != null ){
    if( cur.string() != null ){
      ParamString tmp = ParamString( cur.string() );
      tmp.escape().replaceNewLine( "\n" );
      str += tmp.str();
    cur = cur.next();
  if( flag ){
    str += "\n";
doCommandGWorld = ( int width, int height ){
  // Function called when command ":gworld" is executed
doCommandGWorld24 = ( int width, int height ){
  // Function called when command ":gworld24" is executed

When operating the EasyClip object inside the overwrite function, get the EasyClip object as follows.

EasyClip clip = curClip();

When manipulating the Canvas object inside the overwrite function, get the Canvas object as follows.

Canvas canvas = curCanvas();

Object construction #

EasyClip clip = EasyClip();

Set a value for a variable #

clip.setValue( 'a', 12.345 ); // @a in CLIP
clip.setComplex( 'b', 12.3, 4.5 ); // @b in CLIP
clip.setFract( 'c', -123, 45 ); // @c in CLIP
clip.setMultiPrec( 'a', array/*MPData*/ ); // @@a in CLIP

Set values in the array #

clip.setVector( 'a', [1,2,3,4,5,6] ); // @@a{1 2 3 4 5 6}
clip.setComplexVector( 'b', [1,0,2], [0,1,1] ); // @@b{1 i 2\+i}
clip.setFractVector( 'c', [1,-1], [3,3] );
clip.setMatrix( 'd', [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] ); // @@d{{1 2 3}{4 5 6}{7 8 9}}
clip.setComplexMatrix( 'e', [[3,2],[2,5]], [[0,1],[-1,0]] ); // @@e{{3 2\+i}{2\-i 5}}
clip.setFractMatrix( 'f', [[1,-1],[-2,2]], [[3,3],[3,3]] );
clip.setMatrix( 'g', matrix/*MathMatrix*/ );
clip.setArrayValue( 'h', [0, 0], 12 ); // @@h 0 0
clip.setArrayValue( 'h', [0, 1], 34 ); // @@h 0 1
clip.setArrayValue( 'h', [1, 0], 56 ); // @@h 1 0
clip.setArrayValue( 'h', [1, 1], 78 ); // @@h 1 1
clip.setArrayComplex( 'i', [0], 12.3, 4.5 ); // @@i 0
clip.setArrayFract( 'j', [2], 3, 7 ); // @@j 2
clip.setString( 's', "Hello World!!" );

Check the value of the variable #

double value = clip.getValue( 'a' ).toFloat();
double value = clip.getValue( 'b' ).real();
double value = clip.getValue( 'b' ).imag();
bool isMinus = clip.getValue( 'c' ).fractMinus();
double value = clip.getValue( 'c' ).num();
double value = clip.getValue( 'c' ).denom();
MPData array = clip.getMultiPrec( 'a' ); // MPData object
String string = clip.getComplexString( 'b' );
String string = clip.getFractString( 'c', false ); // Improper
String string = clip.getFractString( 'c', true ); // Mixed
String string = clip.getMultiPrecString( 'a' );

Since the return value of the getValue function is a MathValue object, you can use functions other than the toFloat, real, imag, fractMinus, num, and denom functions.

Check the values in the array #

List<dynamic> array = clip.getArray( 'a' ); // Forcibly convert to Dart Array
List<dynamic> array = clip.getArray( 'a', 1 ); // One-dimensional element
List<dynamic> array = clip.getArray( 'a', 2 ); // Two-dimensional element
List<dynamic> array = clip.getArray( 'a', N ); // N-dimensional element
String string = "@@d = ${clip.getArrayString( 'd', 6 )}";
String string = clip.getString( 's' );

Check the value of the calculation result #

double value = clip.getAnsValue().toFloat();
double value = clip.getAnsValue().real();
double value = clip.getAnsValue().imag();
bool isMinus = clip.getAnsValue().fractMinus();
double value = clip.getAnsValue().num();
double value = clip.getAnsValue().denom();
MPData array = clip.getAnsMultiPrec(); // MPData object
MathMatrix matrix = clip.getAnsMatrix(); // MathMatrix object
String string = "Ans = ${clip.getAnsMatrixString( 6 )}";
String string = clip.getAnsMultiPrecString();

Since the return value of the getAnsValue function is a MathValue object, you can use functions other than the toFloat, real, imag, fractMinus, num, and denom functions.

various settings #

A group of functions that execute CLIP setting commands directly from Dart.

Type specification

clip.setMode( mode, param1, param2 );
mode Meaning param1 param2
CLIP_MODE_E_FLOAT Double precision floating point type (exponential notation) Display accuracy -
CLIP_MODE_F_FLOAT Double precision floating point type (decimal point notation) Display accuracy -
CLIP_MODE_G_FLOAT Double precision floating point type Display accuracy -
CLIP_MODE_E_COMPLEX Complex type (exponential notation) Display accuracy -
CLIP_MODE_F_COMPLEX Complex type (decimal point notation) Display accuracy -
CLIP_MODE_G_COMPLEX Complex type Display accuracy -
CLIP_MODE_I_FRACT Fractional type - -
CLIP_MODE_M_FRACT Band Fractional Type - -
CLIP_MODE_H_TIME Time type (hour) Frames per second -
CLIP_MODE_M_TIME Time type (minutes) Frames per second -
CLIP_MODE_S_TIME Time type (seconds) Frames per second -
CLIP_MODE_F_TIME Time type (frame) Frames per second -
CLIP_MODE_S_CHAR Signed 8-bit integer type Radix -
CLIP_MODE_U_CHAR Unsigned 8-bit integer type Radix -
CLIP_MODE_S_SHORT Signed 16-bit integer type Radix -
CLIP_MODE_U_SHORT Unsigned 16-bit integer type Radix -
CLIP_MODE_S_LONG Signed 32-bit integer type Radix -
CLIP_MODE_U_LONG Unsigned 32-bit integer type Radix -
CLIP_MODE_F_MULTIPREC Multiple-precision floating point type precision Rounding mode
CLIP_MODE_I_MULTIPREC Multiple-precision integer type precision Rounding mode
Rounding mode Meaning
"up" Round away from zero
"down" Round to near zero
"ceiling" Round to approach positive infinity
"floor" Round to approach negative infinity
"h_up" round up on 5 and round down on 4
"h_down" round up on 6 and round down on 5
"h_even" If the number in the param1 digit is odd, "h_up" is processed, and if it is even, "h_down" is processed.
"h_down2" banker's rounding
"h_even2" If the number in the param1 digit is odd, "h_up" is processed, and if it is even, "h_down2" is processed.

param1 and param1 can be omitted.

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: CLIP_MODE_G_FLOAT

Floating point display accuracy (":prec" command in CLIP)

clip.setPrec( prec );

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: 6

Frames per second (":fps" command in CLIP)

clip.setFps( fps );

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: 30.0

Radix in integer (":radix" command in CLIP)

clip.setRadix( radix );

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: 10

Angle unit specification

clip.setAngType( type );
type Meaning

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: MATH_ANG_TYPE_RAD

Calculator mode specification (":calculator" command in CLIP)

clip.setCalculator( flag );

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: false

Specify the lower limit of array subscripts (":base" command in CLIP)

clip.setBase( base );
base Meaning
0 0 origin
1 1 origin

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: 0

Specify whether to return the calculation result (":ans" command in CLIP)

clip.setAnsFlag( flag );

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: false

Specify whether diagnostic message is valid (":assert" command in CLIP)

clip.setAssertFlag( flag );

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: false

Specify whether the warning message is valid (":warn" command in CLIP)

clip.setWarnFlag( flag );

Immediately after building the EasyClip object: true

Command #

We provide a function that executes some CLIP commands directly from Dart.

clip.commandGWorld( width, height );
clip.commandGWorld24( width, height );
clip.commandWindow( left, bottom, right, top );
clip.commandGClear( index );
clip.commandGColor( index );
clip.commandGPut( array/*List<List<int>>*/ );
clip.commandGPut24( array/*List<List<int>>*/ );
List<List<int>>? array = clip.commandGGet(); // null if could not be obtained
List<List<int>>? array = clip.commandGGet24(); // null if could not be obtained

Calculation #

int ret = clip.procLine( line/*String*/ ); // Returns CLIP_PROC_END on successful completion
int ret = clip.procScript( script/*List<String>*/ ); // Returns CLIP_PROC_END upon normal completion

Color palette #

clip.setPalette( bgrColorArray/*List<int>*/ );
// Below is an example of setting a grayscale palette
int bgrColor;
for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ){
    bgrColor = (i << 16) + (i << 8) + i;
    clip.setPaletteColor( i, bgrColor );
int bgrColor = clip.paletteColor( index );

Canvas #

Canvas canvas = clip.createCanvas( width, height );
clip.resizeCanvas( width, height );
clip.updateCanvas( scale ); // If scale is specified, the image memory in the ClipGWorld object will be enlarged and drawn.
Canvas canvas = clip.canvas(); // Canvas object

Use the EasyCanvas object #

After building the EasyCanvas object, CLIP graphics instructions will now be drawn directly on the canvas, eliminating the need to call the updateCanvas function.

EasyCanvas easyCanvas = EasyCanvas();
easyCanvas.setFont( size, family );

Other #

  • Function used to implement the printAnsMatrix function called from the ClipProc object.
String string = clip.getArrayTokenString( param, array/*ClipToken*/, indent );

You can pass the parameters param and array of the printAnsMatrix function as they are.

  • Get the ClipProc object, which is the only computational main class that exists in the EasyClip object.
ClipProc proc = clip.proc();
  • Get the ClipParam object, which is the only calculated parameter class that exists in the EasyClip object.
ClipParam param = clip.param();
  • Get the only ClipGWorld object that exists inside the EasyClip object.
ClipGWorld gWorld = clip.gWorld();
  • Get the only MultiPrec object that exists in the CLIP engine.
MultiPrec mp = procMultiPrec();

MultiPrec #

MultiPrec object for multi-precision computation

import 'package:dart_clip/math/multiprec.dart';

MultiPrec object constructor #


Constant definition method #

Multi-precision integer

I( str )

Returns an MPData object.

If the constant is undefined, the definition is added, and if it is defined, the defined one is returned.

Multi-precision floating point number

F( str )

Returns an MPData object.

If the constant is undefined, the definition is added, and if it is defined, the defined one is returned.

Multi-precision integer arithmetic method #

Convert a string to a multi-precision integer

str2num( n/*MPData*/, s )

Convert multi-precision integer to strings

num2str( n/*MPData*/ )

Returns a String object.


set( rop/*MPData*/, op/*MPData*/ )

Large and small comparison

cmp( a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/ )

Returns a positive value if a is greater than b, a negative value if it is less than b, and a zero value if equal.


add( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/ )


sub( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/ )


mul( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/ )


div( q/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/, r/*MPData*/ )

Get the quotient q and the remainder r. Returns true if the divisor b is 0.

r can be omitted.

Sign inversion

neg( rop/*MPData*/, op/*MPData*/ )

op can be omitted.

Absolute value

abs( rop/*MPData*/, op/*MPData*/ )

op can be omitted.

Square root

sqrt( x/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/ )

Returns true if a is negative.

Multi-precision floating point arithmetic method #

Convert strings to multi-precision floating point numbers

fstr2num( n/*MPData*/, s )

Convert multi-precision floating point numbers to strings

fnum2str( n/*MPData*/ )

Returns a String object.


fset( rop/*MPData*/, op/*MPData*/ )

Large and small comparison

fcmp( a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/ )

Returns positive value if a is greater than b, negative value if it is less than b, and zero value if equal.


fadd( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/ )


fsub( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/ )


fmul( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/, prec )


fdiv( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/, prec )
fdiv2( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, b/*MPData*/, prec, digit/*ParamInteger*/ )

Returns true if the divisor b is 0. digit stores the number of digits in the integer part of the divisor a.

digit can be omitted.

Sign inversion

fneg( rop/*MPData*/, op/*MPData*/ )

op can be omitted.

Absolute value

fabs( rop/*MPData*/, op/*MPData*/ )

op can be omitted.

Truncate after the decimal point

ftrunc( rop/*MPData*/, op/*MPData*/ )

Square root

fsqrt( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, prec )
fsqrt2( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, prec, order )
fsqrt3( ret/*MPData*/, a/*MPData*/, prec )

Returns true if a is negative.

Number of digits in the integer part

fdigit( a/*MPData*/ )

Rounding operation

fround( a/*MPData*/, prec, mode )
mode Meaning
MP_FROUND_UP Round away from zero
MP_FROUND_DOWN Round to near zero
MP_FROUND_CEILING Round to approach positive infinity
MP_FROUND_FLOOR Round to approach negative infinity
MP_FROUND_HALF_UP round up on 5 and round down on 4
MP_FROUND_HALF_DOWN round up on 6 and round down on 5
MP_FROUND_HALF_EVEN If the number in the prec digit is odd, MP_FROUND_HALF_UP is processed, and if it is even, MP_FROUND_HALF_DOWN is processed.
MP_FROUND_HALF_DOWN2 banker's rounding
MP_FROUND_HALF_EVEN2 If the number in the prec digit is odd, MP_FROUND_HALF_UP is processed, and if it is even, MP_FROUND_HALF_DOWN2 is processed.

If mode is omitted, the operation will be MP_FROUND_HALF_EVEN.

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Calculator Language for Immediate Processing



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