darq 2.0.0 copy "darq: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
darq: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard

The power of lazy-evaluated enumerables in your hands! (A port of functional LINQ from the .NET library.)

[2.0.0] #

  • Updated for Dart 3 support
  • Potentially Breaking: Updated class definitions to be compliant with the new "strict-casts" and "strict-raw-types" analysis rules.
  • Potentially Breaking: Iterator classes now implement Iterator instead of extending it due to Iterator no longer being extendable.
  • Potentially Breaking: Tuple iterator classes now take type parameters that match the tuples they iterate.
  • Added deconstruct extension method for converting an iterable of records into a record of iterables. (This method is implemented specifically on iterables of records, up to records containing 9 fields.)
    • Note: Due to apparent language limitations, iterables of records containing named fields aren't supported.
  • Added fromRecord factory method to all Tuple classes, allowing them to be generated from records with the same number of fields.
  • Added toRecord method to all Tuple classes, allowing them to be converted into records.
  • Added utility extension on Map that adds the following members:
    • entryRecords getter: Same as entries but returns Iterable<({TKey key, TValue value})> (an iterable of named records) instead of Iterable<MapEntry>.
    • entryTuples getter: Same as entries but returns Iterable<Tuple2> instead of Iterable<MapEntry>.

[1.2.1] #

  • Reimplemented Grouping.hashCode to take elements into account.
  • Implemented Grouping.== to adhere to Dart best practices when overriding hashCode.
  • Updated linting options to latest pub.dev recommended.

[1.2.0] #

  • BREAKING: Signature of firstOrDefault, firstWhereOrDefault, lastOrDefault, and lastWhereOrDefault changed from T to T? to match behavior with corresponding functions in LINQ. (#14)
  • IMPORTANT: Removed Iterable from list of known equality comparers as type matching for any arbitrary Iterable<T> has turned out to be impractical if not impossible without major breaking changes.
  • Added DateTime to list of known equality comparers. (#10)
  • Added convenience factory method EqualityComparer.of for creating default comparers of types that implement Comparable. (#10)
  • Change sum to return 0 on an empty iterable to be consistent with C#'s Enumerable.Sum method. (#12)
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Lookup from properly grouping objects when the number of groups was greater than 7. (#13)

[1.1.1] #

  • Previous change to distinct, except, intersect, and union altered. Return type of dynamic for keySelector is now Object to prevent a dynamic return type of void. (@rodion-m)

[1.1.0] #

  • New method to shuffle the elements of an iterable: randomize (@rodion-m)
  • Internal buffer in randomize and randomSubset have been moved to dedicated iterator classes so that the resulting iterables aren't inherently memoized. (Memoization can still be done explicitly by calling memoize on the resulting iterable.)
  • Internal buffer in reverse has been moved to a dedicated iterator class so that its generation is deferred until iteration.
  • In an effort to crack down on why type inferrence is failing on some methods, I've enabled strong-mode and disabled implicit casts and implicit dynamic in the analysis options. As a result, some elements have received breaking changes to their type signatures. (#9)
    • distinct, except, intersect, and union no longer take a generic type parameter. The keySelector passed to these methods now returns dynamic instead of TKey.
    • aggregateRight and tryAggregateRight no longer take a generic type parameter.
    • sequenceEquals no longer takes generic type parameters or selector methods. The previous behavior has been moved to a new method: sequenceEqualsSelect.

[1.0.1+1] #

  • Updating references to the repository following transfer.

[1.0.1] #

  • Fixed a bug with Tuple.fromMap that would've made it fail with Tuple1 map representation.
  • Added asType and asDynamic methods to tuple classes for convenient casting of tuples.

[1.0.0+1] #

  • Corrected some parts of the README tuple section

[1.0.0] #

  • Pushing to full release!
  • Fully documented the tuple classes so they can actually be used.
  • Changed tuple classes to inherit from a common Tuple abstract class, which also contains generalized factory methods for creating tuples of a dynamic length.
  • Added copyWithout method to tuple classes as a utility operation for trimming values from existing tuple objects.
  • Overrode length in tuple classes to return a constant value.

[1.0.0-dev.3] #

  • Quality of life changes to the Tuple family classes:
    • Added fromList factory constructors to all Tuple classes.
    • Made all tuple constructors const.
    • Added mapActions to all Tuple classes.
  • Added a section in the README for tuples.

[1.0.0-dev.2] #

  • Accidentally uploaded the previous version without updating the documentation first. Oops.

[1.0.0-dev.1] #

  • Null safety!
  • The default named parameter of methods which take a default value are now marked as required (but can still be explicitly set to null if the generic type argument of the iterable is a nullable type). This affects the following methods: elementAtOrDefault, firstOrDefault, firstWhereOrDefault, lagSelect, lag, lastOrDefault, lastWhereOrDefault, leadSelect, lead, padEnd, padStart
  • The fillBackward, fillForward, and fillMissing extensions have been reconfigured to only target iterables of nullable types
  • EqualityComparer.forType has been refactored to return a default EqualityComparer when a patching comparer for the requested type was not found. The previous behavior has been converted into the new EqualityComaprer.tryForType method which instead returns null when a match is not found.
    • As a reminder, the default EqualityComparer has a comparer of (a, b) => a == b, a hasher of (a) => a.hashCode, and a sorter of (a, b) => 0
  • Removed all calls to checkNullError and argument null checks as they are now redundant
  • Fixed a misordering of the parameters in aggregateRight and tryAggregateRight that led to incorrect results in cases where the aggregation depended on concatenation (e.g. strings)

[0.5.1+1] #

  • Fixed a typo in average that wasn't assigning the default selector properly

[0.5.1] #

  • Added identifiers to parameters for all function types to aid with IntelliSense (Issue #4)
  • Tweaked various types' documentation for clarity
  • Overrode toList on MemoizedIterable to return the cached list if the cache had already been filled
  • sum, average converted to use generic type arguments instead of num. (@rodion-m)
  • Fixed typo in grouping generic type parameters that was resulting in groups defaulting to Grouping<dynamic, dynamic> (Issue #3, @Miiite)

[0.5.0] #

  • Added a ton more extension methods, effectively quadrupling the number of methods added to Iterable (from 40 up to 160). Many of these methods were ported from the MoreLINQ library and modified to be more idiomatic to Dart.
  • New methods:
    • aggregateRight
    • aggregateRightSelect
    • aggregateSelect
    • appendAll
    • assertAll
    • assertAny
    • assertCount
    • atLeast
    • atMost
    • awaitAll
    • awaitAny
    • batch
    • batchSelect
    • between
    • cartesian
    • cartesianSelect
    • compareCount
    • concatAll
    • consume
    • countBy
    • defaultRangeIfEmpty
    • endsWith
    • exclude
    • excludeAt
    • excludeRange
    • fillBackward
    • fillForward
    • fillMissing
    • flatten
    • index
    • insert
    • insertAll
    • insertOrAppend
    • interleave
    • interleaveAll
    • lag
    • lagSelect
    • lead
    • leadSelect
    • memoize
    • move
    • nonNull
    • padEnd
    • padStart
    • pairwise
    • partition
    • permutations
    • prependAll
    • preScan
    • randomSubset
    • repeat
    • scan
    • skipLast
    • split
    • startsWith
    • subsets
    • takeEvery
    • takeLast
    • toHashMap
    • toLinkedHashMap
    • toSplayTreeMap
    • toStream
  • Added "try" variants of several methods which will return null or a default value upon a failed iteration rather than throwing an error.
    • tryAggregate
    • tryAggregateRight
    • tryInsert
    • tryInsertAll
    • trySingleOrDefault
    • trySingleWhereOrDefault
  • Added "X" variants of several methods with more parameters to perform the same operation multiple times. (The "X" ranges from 2 to 9, representing the number of parameters in the method.)
    • appendX
    • cartesianX
    • cartesianSelectX
    • concatX
    • insertX
    • insertOrAppendX
    • ofTypeX
    • prependX
    • tryInsertX
  • Breaking changes:
    • aggregate
      • Returns the same type as the source iterable. (Old functionality moved to aggregateSelect.)
    • segment
      • Renamed to batch
  • New utility types:
    • TupleX
      • Members are accessed by itemX, where X is the zero-based index of the item to get in the tuple.
      • Members can also be accessed using an indexer with list-style notation.
      • Tuples also extend Iterable so the members can be iterated and the tuple also has access to all iterable methods.

[0.4.0+1] #

  • Fixing a bug in the documentation

[0.4.0] #

  • Enumerable and all related subclasses have been removed. The package has changed over to using static extension methods on Iterable.
    • Related, the trailing "E" in method names as well as the utility factory E have been removed.
  • Enumerable factory constructors have been converted into standalone factory classes (if not made redundant by existing Iterable constructors).
    • Enumerable.empty -> Iterable.empty
    • Enumerable.from -> redundant
    • Enumerable.generate -> Iterable.generate
    • Enumerable.repeat -> RepeatIterator
  • A new factory class has been created: RangeIterator
    • Generates an iterable whose elements represent a range of integral values.
  • Some methods have been renamed so as to not conflict with existing Iterable methods of the same name.
    • join -> joinMap
  • Some methods have had functionality tweaked so as to maintain a separate identity from existing Iterable methods.
    • select: Selector argument now requires (T element, int index) as the parameters.
    • selectMany: Selector argument now requires (T element, int index) as the parameters.
  • Some methods have been removed as existing methods in Iterable make them fully redundant.
    • cast
    • elementAt
    • first
    • last
    • single
    • take
    • takeWhile
    • skip
    • skipWhile
    • toList
    • toSet
    • where
  • A new method has been added: segment
    • Groups the iterable into segments of an indicated size. Can optionally include any partial chunks at the end of the iterable.
  • Extension getters have also been added to String to facilitate easy conversion to Iterable<String>.
    • iterable: Returns an iterable of the characters in the string.
    • iterableRunes: Returns an iterable of the characters in the string while respecting rune boundaries.

[0.3.1] #

  • Typedefs have been converted from a shorthand form to the full form. This should help with some type inference issues.

[0.3.0] #

  • Unit tests have been added to ensure Iterable built-in functions behave as expected.
  • Default reducers for methods where a comparator is optional (such as aggregatorE, sumE, and orderByE) have been extended to also support Duration and BigInt.
  • Custom error types have been overhauled to utilize default Dart error types:
    • UnexpectedStateError, KeyExistsError, and IntegerOverflowError now extend StateError instead of Error.
    • ConversionError now extends CastError instead of Error.
    • IncompatibleTypeError now extends UnsupportedError instead of Error.
    • NullEnumerableError, EmptyEnumerableError, and ElementNotFoundError have been merged into EnumerableError which extends StateError.
    • OperationError has been removed. Code that threw OperationError now throws StateError with a descriptive message.
  • Added subtype support for ValueEnumerable for specialized behavior when the source Iterable supports various actions. (Currently the only specialized subtype is ListIterator which enables short-circuiting for countE and elementAtE methods to call the list's length property and indexer, respectively.)
  • Changed countE to call the underlying iterable's length property when condition is not specified. This should enable O(1) length calculations for default Dart collections that internally implement EfficientLengthIterable.
  • Changed EqualityComparer to enable global setting of default comparers of new types. For example, for a custom type Foo, the static method EqualityComparer.addDefaultEqualityComparer<Foo>(comparer) will set the global default comparer for Foo to the passed comparer values. Following this call, all calls to LINQ methods that take an optional EqualityComparer<Foo> will default to using the previously registered comparer when a comparer is not specified.

Known Issues:

  • joinE and groupJoinE have a problem with the type inference of the parameters, causing the types to default to dynamic. When calling these methods while specifying an EqualityComparer, it may be necessary to explicitly state the type parameters as well as the types of parameters in any closure functions to get type inference to work properly.

[0.2.0] #

  • The naming convention of the enumerable methods has been changed so that they are suffixed by the letter "e" (such as selectE, joinE, whereE). This is an attempt at a compromise between keeping the names of the methods consistent with their .NET origins while avoiding conflicts with existing Iterable methods.
  • Added two new factory methods to Enumerable: fromString and generator. fromString converts a String into an Enumerable that iterates over each individual character, while generator allows an iterable to be created of the specified length using a given generator function.
  • countIfE has been merged with countE so that countE now has a Condition as an optional parameter. If the Condition is provided, the behavior is identical to countIfE, and if not, the behavior is identical to the original countE.
  • Fixed an issue where several of the enumerable methods were not asserting on required parameters.

[0.1.2] #

  • Addressing pub description warnings.

[0.1.1] #

  • Addressing pub formatting warnings and issues.

[0.1.0] #

  • Initial release.


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The power of lazy-evaluated enumerables in your hands! (A port of functional LINQ from the .NET library.)

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