dalk_sdk 0.0.2 copy "dalk_sdk: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
dalk_sdk: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


Dalk.io sdk, add a realtime chat feature on any Dart/Flutter app

A SDK to add a real time chat easily.

Features #

  • Realtime events for conversations and messages
  • Conversations in one to one
  • Message status, sent, received, seen
  • Group conversations
  • Custom subject and avatar for group conversations

Usage #

Installation #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

dalk_sdk: ^1.0.0

And run:

pub get

or for Flutter

flutter pub get

Setup #

import 'package:dalk_sdk/sdk.dart';

main() async {
  final currentUser = User(id: 'userId', name: 'userName'); 
  final sdk = DalkSdk('myProjectId', currentUser, (userId) {
    // get user information from webservice, database... and return the corresponding User
  await sdk.connect();

Manage conversations #

import 'package:dalk_sdk/sdk.dart';

main() async {
  // after setup, you can retrieve the list of conversations of the user
  final conversations = await sdk.getConversations();
  // get real time events when new conversations are created
  sdk.newConversation.listen((Conversation conversation) {
    // this get called each time a new conversation is created to let you know new ones


Manage a single conversation #

import 'package:dalk_sdk/sdk.dart';

main() async {
  // after setup, you can retrieve a specific conversation of the user by his id
  final conversation = await sdk.getConversation('conversationId');
  // get real time events when new message arrived or the status of a message change
  conversation.onMessagesEvent.listen((Message message) {
    // this get called each time a new message arrived or a message status has changed
  // you can set custom subject and avatar (group chat only)
  await conversation.setOptions(
    subject: 'subject',
    avatar: 'urlOfTheAvatar',

Manage message #

import 'package:dalk_sdk/sdk.dart';

main() async {
  // after setup, you can retrieve a specific conversation of the user by his id
  final conversation = await sdk.getConversation('conversationId');
  // you can load or refresh messages like this:
  await conversation.loadMessages();
  // messages available in conversation.messages
  // send new message to the conversation
  await conversation.sendMessage('my message');

  // set message as read
  await conversation.setMessageAsSeen('myMessageId');


Features and bugs #

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

pub points


verified publisherdalk.io

Dalk.io sdk, add a realtime chat feature on any Dart/Flutter app



unknown (LICENSE)


args, freezed_annotation, js, json_rpc_2, logging, meta, pedantic, retry, stream_channel, web_socket_channel


Packages that depend on dalk_sdk