daily_flutter 0.20.0 copy "daily_flutter: ^0.20.0" to clipboard
daily_flutter: ^0.20.0 copied to clipboard

Flutter plugin for Daily. The Daily Client SDK allows you to build video and audio calling into your Flutter applications.

0.20.0 #

Fixed #

  • Added support for Flutter 3.22 and Dart 3.4.
  • Fixed multi-threading issue encountered when sending events.
  • Resolved an issue where the videos sent had the wrong orientation when viewed on iOS mobile web.
  • Fixed an issue where joinedAt value (participant info) could sometimes be zero.
  • Fixed issue where onParticipantUpdated() didn't reflect the new state of the local participant's screen video track, in cases where leave() was called while a screen share was active.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause join to fail if recording/transcription/live stream was started from the REST API.
  • Fixed an issue that would not allow join to succeed if a React Native client was already in the room.

0.16.0-beta.1 #

Bringing the latest changes to daily-flutter, primarily focused on fixing multiple issues that could cause deadlock during network reconnection, enhancing performance, and reducing the bundle size for Android.

0.1.0-alpha.1 #

Initial alpha release.

pub points


verified publisherdaily.co

Flutter plugin for Daily. The Daily Client SDK allows you to build video and audio calling into your Flutter applications.



API reference


unknown (license)


collection, ffi, flutter, flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle, freezed_annotation, json_annotation, logging, meta, permission_handler, plugin_platform_interface, synchronized


Packages that depend on daily_flutter