daassets 1.5.0
daassets: ^1.5.0 copied to clipboard
A Dart package to automatically generate a class containing references to all assets in your project.
Daassets #
A Dart package to automatically generate a class containing references to all assets in your project.
Installation #
Add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml
daassets: ^1.5.0
Example #
Define your assets
In your pubspec.yaml file:
- assets/icon/ # imports all files in that directory
- assets/icon/close.png # imports that specific file
Generating Dart code
To generate the Dart file containing all assets, run the following command:
flutter pub run daassets:daassets.dart PUBSPEC_FILE_PATH OUTPUT_FILE_PATH
For example:
flutter pub run daassets:daassets.dart ./pubspec.yaml ./lib/assets.dart
Using generated code
The generated class contains static constants that you can use anywhere in your project.