d4_geo 2.0.0 copy "d4_geo: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
d4_geo: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard

Geographic projections, spherical shapes and spherical trigonometry.

2.0.0 #

Removed #

  • GeoPathContext is no longer exposed.
  • GeoRawTransform no longer exists.

Added #

  • GeoRawProjection has been added to replace GeoRawTransform.

Changed #

  • The type of the property context in Path has been changed from GeoPathContext to Path from the d4_path library.
  • The call method in GeoPath now optionally also takes a dynamic argument list.
  • The pointRadius property function in GeoTransform now optionally also takes a dynamic argument list.
  • GeoIdentity now extends GeoTransform instead of GeoProjection.
  • GeoProjection no longer extends GeoRawTransform.
  • The forward and backward property functions in GeoProjection have been replaced by their equivalent methods call and invert, respectively.
  • GeoAlbersUsa no longer extends GeoRawTransform.
  • The forward and backward property functions in GeoAlbersUsa have been replaced by their equivalent methods call and invert, respectively.
  • GeoTransverseMercator no longer extends GeoRawTransform.
  • The forward and backward property functions in GeoTransverseMercator have been replaced by their equivalent methods call and invert, respectively.
  • GeoRotation no longer extends GeoRawTransform
  • The forward and backward property functions in GeoRotation have been replaced by their equivalent methods call and invert, respectively.
  • The call method in GeoTransform has been renamed to stream.
  • The call method in GeoProjection has been renamed to stream.
  • The call method in GeoAlbersUsa has been renamed to stream.
  • The point method in GeoStream now accepts x, y, and optionally z coordinates instead of a list of coordinates.
  • The point property function in GeoTransform now accepts x, y, and optionally z coordinates instead of a list of coordinates.
  • The GeoProjectionMutator class no longer takes a generic type parameter T.
  • The GeoProjectionMutator constructor parameter factory now has a type that is a function optionally taking a dynamic argument list, rather than a function that takes a single argument of the generic type T.
  • The call method in GeoProjectionMutator now optionally takes a list of dynamic arguments instead of a single argument of generic type T.
  • The GeoConicProjection factory parameter projectAt now has a type that is a function optionally taking a dynamic argument list, rather than a function that takes a single argument of the generic type T. Additionally, the function's return type is now GeoRawProjection instead of GeoRawTransform.
  • All raw projections are now of type GeoRawProjection instead of GeoRawTransform.

1.0.3 #

  • Fixed a bug in the geoClipCircle function.

1.0.2 #

  • Links in README.md must be secure to follow Dart file conventions. 1 link was insecure and have been updated.
  • Added some badges to README.md.

1.0.1 #

  • Formatting change to conform to Dart guidelines.

1.0.0 #

  • Initial Release


verified publisherluizbarboza.com

Weekly Downloads

2024.08.27 - 2025.03.11

Geographic projections, spherical shapes and spherical trigonometry.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


ISC (license)


d4_path, topo_client, topo_parse


Packages that depend on d4_geo