custom_thumbnail_video 0.6.2
custom_thumbnail_video: ^0.6.2 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin for creating a thumbnail from a local video file or from a video URL.
video_thumbnail #
This plugin generates thumbnail from video file or URL. It returns image in memory or writes into a file. It offers rich options to control the image format, resolution and quality. Supports iOS / Android / web.
Methods #
function | parameter | description | return |
thumbnailData | String [video] , optional Map<String, dynamic> [headers] , ImageFormat [imageFormat] (JPEG/PNG/WEBP), int [maxHeight] (0: for the original resolution of the video, or scaled by the source aspect ratio), [maxWidth](0: for the original resolution of the video, or scaled by the source aspect ratio), int [timeMs]generates the thumbnail from the frame around the specified millisecond, int [quality]`(0-100) |
generates thumbnail from [video] |
[Future<Uint8List>] |
thumbnailFile | String [video] , optional Map<String, dynamic> [headers] , String [thumbnailPath] (folder or full path where to store the thumbnail file, null to save to same folder as the video file) this ignored on the web, ImageFormat [imageFormat] (JPEG/PNG/WEBP), int [maxHeight] (0: for the original resolution of the video, or scaled by the source aspect ratio), int [maxWidth] (0: for the original resolution of the video, or scaled by the source aspect ratio), int [timeMs] generates the thumbnail from the frame around the specified millisecond, int [quality] (0-100) |
creates a file of the thumbnail from the [video] |
[Future<String>] |
Giving both the
has different result on Android platform, it actually scales the thumbnail to the specified maxHeight and maxWidth. To generate the thumbnail from a network resource, thevideo
must be properly URL encoded.
Usage #
Installing add get_thumbnail_video as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
get_thumbnail_video: ^0.6.1
import 'package:get_thumbnail_video/video_thumbnail.dart';
Generate a thumbnail in memory from video file
final uint8list = await VideoThumbnail.thumbnailData(
video: videofile.path,
imageFormat: ImageFormat.JPEG,
maxWidth: 128, // specify the width of the thumbnail, let the height auto-scaled to keep the source aspect ratio
quality: 25,
Generate a thumbnail file from video URL
XFile thumbnailFile = await VideoThumbnail.thumbnailFile(
video: "",
thumbnailPath: (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path,
imageFormat: ImageFormat.WEBP,
maxHeight: 64, // specify the height of the thumbnail, let the width auto-scaled to keep the source aspect ratio
quality: 75,
final image = kIsWeb ? : Image.file(File(thumbnailFile.path));
Generate a thumbnail file from video Assets declared in pubspec.yaml
final byteData = await rootBundle.load("assets/my_video.mp4");
Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
File tempVideo = File("${tempDir.path}/assets/my_video.mp4")
..createSync(recursive: true)
..writeAsBytesSync(byteData.buffer.asUint8List(byteData.offsetInBytes, byteData.lengthInBytes));
final fileName = await VideoThumbnail.thumbnailFile(
video: tempVideo.path,
thumbnailPath: (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path,
imageFormat: ImageFormat.PNG,
quality: 100,
Limitations on the Web platform #
Flutter Thumbnail on the Web platform has some limitations that might surprise developers more familiar with mobile/desktop targets.
In no particular order:
CORS headers #
This plugin requires the server hosting the video to include appropriate CORS headers in the response. Specifically, the server must include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
and Access-Control-Allow-Methods
headers in the response to the request.
For more information, please refer to the Mozilla Developer Network documentation.
HTTP range headers #
This plugin requires the server hosting the video to support HTTP range headers. If the server does not support range requests, the plugin may generate a thumbnail from the first frame of the video instead of the desired frame. For more information, please refer to the Mozilla Developer Network documentation.
Notes #
Fork or pull requests are always welcome. Currently it seems have a little performance issue while generating WebP thumbnail by using libwebp under iOS.