custom_ping 0.2.3+1 copy "custom_ping: ^0.2.3+1" to clipboard
custom_ping: ^0.2.3+1 copied to clipboard

A ping service to fix the ping issue on Colombia networks. Where a valid ping donsnt mean the phone will have navigation

custom_ping #

This is a simple way to check your internet connection.

Why CustomPing #

There are other solutions that try the same goal but with some difficulties on each one. For example connectivity checks if the device is connected to a network but don't check if is able to navigate with this network. Other package go further checking internet with a ping test, and this is a good solution but is partially incomplete. with limited data plans like the social media bundles you can ping to google but this ping is not a guaranty that you can navigate to google.

Our solutions is call a get to the target url or by default o google, this get in a optimal conditions take 150ms average. But as always working with networks is complicated and a positive answer for the CustomPing is only telling you that in the moment of the test the device have internet. but always you need to wrap your calls with try/catch to handle a proper error from backend

Getting Started #

We recommend to provide the PingService via get_it or something similar wherever you need to monitor the internet connection Stream Subscription:

PingService().getSubscription(callBack: (e) {
       setState(() {
         service =
             'Ping has connection $e count: $pingCount';

Single call:



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A ping service to fix the ping issue on Colombia networks. Where a valid ping donsnt mean the phone will have navigation

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)


flutter, http


Packages that depend on custom_ping