custom_expandable_table 1.0.3 copy "custom_expandable_table: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
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A Flutter widget for create an expandable table with header and first column fixed. Based on the popular flutter_expandable_table.


Expandable Table #

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ExpandableTable is a widget for Flutter that create a Table with header and first column fixed. You can create a nested Rows/Columns grouped in expandable Row/Column


Features #

  • Header and first column fixed
  • Supports vertical and horizontal scroll
  • Customizable animation Duration and Curve

Usage #

Make sure to check out the examples on GitHub.

Installation #

Add the following line to pubspec.yaml:

  flutter_expandable_table: <last-release>

Basic setup #

Complete example available here.

      rows: rows,
      header: header,
      scrollShadowColor: accentColor,

ExpandableTable Properties #

  • header: Contain a table header widget.
  • rows: Contain a table body rows widget.
  • cellWidth: determines default cell width size, this is overwritable with cell property.
  • cellHeight: determines default cell height size, this is overwritable with row property.
  • headerHeight: determines Header Row height size.
  • firstColumnWidth: determines first Column width size.
  • duration: determines duration rendered animation of Rows/Columns expansion.
  • curve: determines rendered curve animation of Rows/Columns expansion.
  • scrollShadowDuration: determines duration rendered animation of shadows.
  • scrollShadowCurve: determines rendered curve animation of shadows.
  • scrollShadowColor: determines rendered color of shadows.
  • visibleScrollbar: determines visibility of scrollbar.

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A Flutter widget for create an expandable table with header and first column fixed. Based on the popular flutter_expandable_table.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, flutter_scroll_shadow, linked_scroll_controller, provider


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