custom_error 0.0.3 copy "custom_error: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
custom_error: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard

This library sets and gets custom application errors.

0.0.3 #

Added #

  • The CustomError constructor no longer needs parameters.
  • A new function hasAnError() to check if an error exists.

Changed #

  • Improved error handling and error instance access.

Key Features #

  • Custom Error Management: Create and manage custom error objects with error codes and messages.
  • Flexible Error Storage: Store multiple errors using a list of maps.
  • Error Retrieval: Easily access individual error details using getter methods.
  • Error State Check: Check if an error exists with the hasAnError() method.
  • Type Checking: Determine if an object is an instance of CustomError using the isAnError() method.

Usage Example #

import 'package:custom_error/custom_error.dart';

void main() {
  String _inputText = 'Mazzi';
  List<String> names = ['Yung', 'Cet', 'Cedric'];

  // Create and manage custom errors
  CustomError error = CustomError();
  if (! names.contains(_inputText)){
    error.setError(-1, 'Name not found.');

  // Check if an error exists
  // you can also use error.isAnError(), instead of error.hasAnError()
  if (error.hasAnError()) {
    // handle error
    print('Error: ${error.getError()}, Code: ${error.getErrorCode()}');
  } else {
    print('No error found.');

  // Add multiple errors
  error.addError(200, 'Error 200');
  error.addError(300, 'Error 300');

  // Retrieve all errors
  final allErrors = error.getAllErrors();

  // Check if an error exists
  if (error.isAnError()) {
    print('All Errors: $allErrors');
  } else {
    print('No error found.');

0.0.2 #

Added #

  • Changed Error class to CustomError.

Changed #

  • Improved error handling and error instance access.

Key Features #

  • Custom Error Management: Create and manage custom error objects with error codes and messages.
  • Flexible Error Storage: Store multiple errors using a list of maps.
  • Error Retrieval: Easily access individual error details using getter methods.
  • Comprehensive Error Access: Retrieve all errors for debugging and reporting.
  • Type Checking: Verify if a value is an instance of the Error class.

Usage Example #

import 'package:custom_error/custom_error.dart';

void main() {
  // Create and manage custom errors
  final error = CustomError(100, 'Error 100');
  // Check if a value is an Error instance
  bool isCustomError = error.isAnError(error);

  // Access error details
  String errorMessage = error.getError();
  int errorCode = error.getErrorCode();

  // add multiple errors
  error.addError(200, 'Error 200');

  // Retrieve all errors
  List<Map<String, dynamic>> allErrors = error.getAllErrors();


0.0.1 #

Initial Release Changelog #

We are excited to announce the initial release of the "custom_error" package. This release marks the beginning of a new era in error management for Dart developers. "custom_error" empowers you to create, store, and access custom error instances with ease, making error handling more efficient and effective in your Dart applications.

Key Features #

  • Custom Error Management: Create and manage custom error objects with error codes and messages.
  • Flexible Error Storage: Store multiple errors using a list of maps.
  • Error Retrieval: Easily access individual error details using getter methods.
  • Comprehensive Error Access: Retrieve all errors for debugging and reporting.
  • Type Checking: Verify if a value is an instance of the Error class.

Usage Example #

import 'package:custom_error/custom_error.dart';
void main() {
  // Create and manage custom errors
  final error = Error(100, 'Error 100');
  error.AddError(200, 'Error 200');
  // Access error details
  String errorMessage = error.getError();
  int errorCode = error.getErrorCode();
  // Retrieve all errors
  List<Map<String, dynamic>> allErrors = error.getAllErrors();
  // Check if a value is an Error instance
  bool isCustomError = error.isAnError(error);
pub points



This library sets and gets custom application errors.

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