csv_picker_button 0.0.7 copy "csv_picker_button: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
csv_picker_button: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard

A TextButton that will open a file picker and parse the CSV.

csv_picker_button #

A simple button to pick a csv file and parse it as String or Json

Use this package as a library #

1. Depend on it #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  csv_picker_button: latest_version

2. Install it #

You can install packages from the command line:

with Flutter:

$ flutter pub get

3. Import it #

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:csv_picker_button/csv_picker_button.dart';

4. use it #

Pass the csvConfiguration, only needed if the CSV has titles and the separator is not a ','; CsvConfiguration accept 3 properties:

  • Separator separator with default set to Separator.coma (',')
  • bool hasTitle with default set to true
  • List<String> titles only needed if hasTitle is set to False but you want to get each lines returned as a Map<String, dynamic> with the title of the column has the key;

CsvButton can return two types of callBacks:

onJsonReceived which return each line as Map<String, dynamic> and onStringReceived which return each line as String so you can parse it yourself;

CsvButton is a TextButton, so it also accept buttonStyle to style the button and a child.

  onJsonReceived: (Map<String, dynamic> data) => print("$data"),
  child: Text('pick a csv')

Dependencies #

pub points


verified publisheridelub.com

A TextButton that will open a file picker and parse the CSV.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


csv, file_picker, flutter, rxdart


Packages that depend on csv_picker_button