crypto_keys_plus 0.4.0 crypto_keys_plus: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard
A library for doing cryptographic signing/verifying and encrypting/decrypting.
0.4.0 #
- REFACTOR: remove dependency on quiver.
- FIX: return null instead of throwning when seeing an uknown curve/key type...
0.3.0+1 #
- REFACTOR: use OAEPEncoding.withSHA256 implementation from pointycastle. (00510d2e)
- REFACTOR: use ECCurve_secp256k1 implementation of pointycastle. (fa323419)
- FIX: A256GCM-encrypted content produced by this package not always decrypted correctly by other tools (pull request #10 of tallinn1960). (45d65b35)
- FIX: add missing ES256K algorithm to list of supported algorithms (pull request #11 from muhammadsaddamnur). (c7e32c67)
0.3.0 #
- It is now a static error to pass a nullable algorithm parameter to
0.2.0 #
- Port to null-safety
0.1.4 #
- Upgraded dependency to Pointy Castle's new 2.0.0 release.
0.1.3 #
- Added support for P-256K curve
0.1.2 #
- Added RSAES-OAEP-256
- Generate assymetric key pairs
0.1.1 #
- Fix for running on web
0.1.0 #
- Initial version