cruky 0.1.1 copy "cruky: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
cruky: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: croky

cruky is server-side library to create API with modern and fast performance.

cruky library logo

Info #

Cruky is a server-side library for the dart ecosystem to help you create your API as fast as possible. We want to make server-side apps with modern style and fast high performance We designed it to be easy to use and learn. Less time reading docs. This package is still in development but you can use it's pretty much stable and there is any bug or future you want tell us in Github issues.

Inspired by FastApi

Get started #

You can see the todo example in the examples file it's very clear to understand.

  1. Install Dart from

  2. Install the Cruky package with pubspec and GitHub for now

  3. Create dart project with dart create nameOfProject

  4. open the project with your favorite IDE like vscode

  5. And let's get started

First we must add a library name for the file to import all routes in it and it must be unique to import the package in the file

library todos;
import 'package:cruky/cruky.dart';

Now let's add our first route method:

Future<List> listTodos(SimpleRequest request) async {
    return [];

Add the Route annotation to specify the route path, and add the method under it we can use the Future method or regular method (async or sync).

And add request parameter to the method to get the request data.

Request types #

We have support for the most popular requests content-type:

  • SimpleRequest for the request does not have a content type

    path: for the request path Uri

    parameters: for the path parameters return Map

    query: for the request path query

  • FormRequest for form content type request and contains

    path: for the request path Uri

    form: for the request form body return Map

    parameters: for the path parameters return Map

    query: for the request path query

  • iFormRequest for multipart form content type request and contains

    path: for the request path Uri

    form: for the request form body return Map

    files: for the request body return Map<String, FilePart>

    parameters: for the path parameters return Map

    query: for the request path query

  • JsonRequest for JSON content type request and contains

    path: for the request path Uri

    body: for the request JSON body return Map

    files: for the request body return Map<String, FilePart>

    parameters: for the path parameters return Map

    query: for the request path query

Return data from the method #

You can return List or map for now and the response content type is just JSON for now but I will update it soon.

Return specific status code #

you can return the specific status code with the map like that:

Map deleteTodo(SimpleRequest request) {
  /// return custom status code
  return {
    #status: HttpStatus.ok,
    #body: {"msg": "the todo is deleted"}

Now serve the app #

we can serve a simple app with this code

void main() => serve(host: '', port: 5000);

and now run the dart file with dart run filename.dart.

You can use hotreload option with:

void main() => serveWithHotReload(host: '', port: 5000);


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cruky is server-side library to create API with modern and fast performance.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


args, mime, watcher


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