crossword 0.0.1 copy "crossword: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
crossword: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A Flutter package providing a user interface for solving crossword puzzles in your app.

Crossword is a comprehensive solution for seamlessly integrating a crossword puzzle-solving user interface into your Flutter app. With this package, you can effortlessly provide users with an interactive and enjoyable crossword puzzle-solving experience within your application.

Features #

  • Customizable Crossword Widget: The package offers a customizable crossword widget that can be easily integrated into any Flutter app. You can adjust the widget's appearance, size, and layout to match your app's design and theme.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The user interface is designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. Users can intuitively navigate through the puzzle, pan, and select the letters to choose words.

  • Clue Management: Manage crossword clues effortlessly with this package by passing the list of words into the Crossword widget.

Getting started #

Installation #

You just need to add crossword as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

  crossword: ^0.0.1

Import the package in your Dart code and instantiate the Crossword widget.

Example #

To get started add the Crossword widget.

  • letters : takes all the letters as a two-dimentional List
  • spacing : controls the horizontal and vertical spacing in between letters
  • onLineDrawn : returns a List of words created based on user interactions on the Crossword panel
  • hints : takes a List of words as clues
          letters: [
            ["A", "M"],
            ["O", "N"]
          spacing: const Offset(30, 30),
          onLineDrawn: (List<String> words) {},
          hints: const ["Flutter", "Dart", "Games", "Colors"],

Additional parameters #

  • acceptReversedDirection: accepts a bool to identify while creating the words by touching in the reversed direction, is enabled or not
  • drawCrossLine: accepts a bool, and identifies if the user can interact in the Cross direction or not.
  • drawVerticalLine: accepts a bool, and identifies if the user can interact in the Vertical direction or not.
  • drawHorizontalLine: accepts a bool, and identifies if the user can interact in the Horizontal direction or not.

drawCrossLine, drawVerticalLine, drawHorizontalLine can't be set as false altogether.

  • lineDecoration: Decorate lines to update colors based on the input and clues
  • textStyle: Add styles to the crossword letters
pub points



A Flutter package providing a user interface for solving crossword puzzles in your app.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on crossword