cron_form_field 0.7.0
cron_form_field: ^0.7.0 copied to clipboard
A Flutter cron form field widget. It can edit cron expressions with this form field in an alert dialog.
cron_form_field #
This CronFormField package is written in Dart for the Flutter. You can edit cron expressions with this form field in an alert dialog. This widget extends TextField to have more useful behavior. It supports both Standard and Quartz cron expressions with allowed and alternative values.
Usage #
In the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
cron_form_field: "^0.7.0"
In your library add the following import:
import 'package:cron_form_field/cron_form_field.dart';
For help getting started with Flutter, view the online documentation.
Example #
initialValue: '0 0 */3 ? * * *',
// controller: _cronController,
labelText: 'Schedule',
onChanged: (val) => print(val),
onSaved: (val) => print(val),
// outputFormat: CronExpressionOutputFormat.AUTO
The result of val in onChanged
, validator
and onSaved
will be a String.
Preview #
Bugs or Requests #
If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket. Pull request are also welcome.
Developer #
Sponsors #
This project is generously supported by TrophyMap, I18Nature, and several other amazing organizations.