crdt_sync 1.0.10 crdt_sync: ^1.0.10 copied to clipboard
A dart-native turnkey solution for painless network synchronization
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:crdt/map_crdt.dart';
import 'package:crdt_sync/crdt_sync.dart';
import 'package:crdt_sync/crdt_sync_server.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
/// This example implements a simple CLI chat app.
/// Note how the app doesn't need to be online before you can start typing.
/// A background process will continuously attempt to establish a connection,
/// and automatically sync all of the outstanding messages when it succeeds.
Future<void> main(List<String> args) async {
final crdt = MapCrdt(['chat']);
print('Welcome to CRDT Chat.');
stdout.write('Your name: ');
final author = stdin.readLineSync()?.trim();
print('Hi $author. Type anything to send a message.');
late String remoteAuthor;
if (args.isEmpty) {
// ignore: unawaited_futures
handshakeDataBuilder: (_, __) => {'name': author},
onConnecting: (request) => print(
'Incoming connection from ${request.connectionInfo?.remoteAddress.address}'),
onConnect: (crdtSync, peerData) {
remoteAuthor = (peerData as Map)['name'];
print('Client joined: $remoteAuthor');
onDisconnect: (peerId, code, reason) =>
print('Client left: $remoteAuthor'),
// verbose: true,
} else {
// ignore: unawaited_futures
handshakeDataBuilder: () => {'name': author},
onConnecting: () => print('Connecting…'),
onConnect: (nodeId, info) {
remoteAuthor = (info as Map)['name'];
print('Connected to $remoteAuthor');
onDisconnect: (nodeId, code, reason) =>
print('Disconnected from $remoteAuthor ($code $reason)'),
// verbose: true,
(e) {
final records = crdt.getChangeset(modifiedOn: e.hlc)['chat']!;
for (final record in records) {
final message = record['value'] as Map<String, dynamic>;
print('[${message['author']}] ${message['line']}');
// Can't use stdin.readLineSync() since it blocks the entire application
stdin.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()).listen((line) =>
crdt.put('chat', Uuid().v4(), {'author': author, 'line': line}));