crashcatchlib_flutter 2.1.2 copy "crashcatchlib_flutter: ^2.1.2" to clipboard
crashcatchlib_flutter: ^2.1.2 copied to clipboard

Official Flutter crash reporting library for Crash Catch

Introduction #

The Flutter Crash Catch Library allows you to monitor crash and error reports across your Flutter projects running on Android, iOS, Windows Desktop and Web and report crashes and errors to Crash Catch (

Installing #

The first thing to do is to add the Crash Catch library to your pubspec.yaml file under the dependencies. An example is below, ensure that the version number is the latest version number that is shown on the GitHub repositories tags.

    sdk: flutter
	crashcatchlib_flutter: ^2.1.1

Then run the Pub get command to update the dependencies as below:

flutter pub get

Using the Library #

If you project has multiple different screens, then you need to pass an instance of Crash Catch to the class Constructor (this is the recommended and most efficient use) or initialise on each new screen, and have a helper method that you can from anywhere to initalise and be able to update your API key or project ID in one place if you ever need to.

Import the Crash Catch project into your class, as shown below:

import 'package:crashcatchlib_flutter/CrashCatch.dart';

Then create an instance of the library and passing in a BuildContext and send the initialisation request as follows:

class Home extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
	CrashCatch crashCatch = new CrashCatch(context);
	crashCatch.initialiseCrashCatch("<project_id>", "<api_key>", "<project_version>");
	return (
		//Create your widget here

In the above example, you should update <your_project_id> and <api_key> from the project settings page which can be copied directly to your clipboard from the Crash Catch website. The <project_version> should be updated on each version release.

If all you are worried about is capturing unhandled exceptions, then that's all you need to do, however, you report errors that occur within try/catch blocks as and when required.

Reporting Errors #

Unhandled crashes and errors are automatically reported once Crash Catch is initialised. However, you can report errors that are caught within a try/catch block.

This is done by calling the reportCrash method within the CrashCatch object. This takes two parameters, the exception object, and the severity, and an optional third parameter being the stack.

If you don't want to pass the stack, then that's not a problem, if you don't the Crash Catch library, will automatically detect the stack for the current thread regardless and use that to send as part of the error. The second parameter is the severity, which can be one of three options, LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH using the Severity enum.

This is done using the following example:

	throw Exception("Something has gone wrong");
on Exception catch (e)
	crashCatch.reportCrash(e, Severity.LOW);

Alternatively, you can pass the stack to the reportCrash method as the 3rd parameter. This is done in the example below:

	throw Exception("Something has gone wrong");
on Exception catch (e, stacktrace)
	crashCatch.reportCrash(e, Severity.LOW, stacktrace);

There's also a fourth optional parameter on the reportCrash method where you can pass a Map<String, dynamic> object of custom properties, which can be used to provide custom information to help add debug information to help you diagnose why an error occurred. An example of this is blow:

	throw Exception("Something has gone wrong");
on Exception catch (e, stacktrace)
	crashCatch.reportCrash(e, Severity.HIGH, stack: stacktrace, customProperties: {
    	"key 1": "value 1",
		"key 2": "value 2",
		"Key 3": 3

That's it you are fully set up to report crashes and errors on your flutter mobile projects.




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Official Flutter crash reporting library for Crash Catch

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-2-Clause (license)


device_info, device_info_plus, flutter, http, shared_preferences, web_browser_detect


Packages that depend on crashcatchlib_flutter