country_picker_pro 0.0.5 copy "country_picker_pro: ^0.0.5" to clipboard
country_picker_pro: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard

The country_picker_pro Flutter package provides a customizable Country Selector widget, enabling users to select countries with detailed information and customization options.

[0.0.5] - Additional Countries Added

  • Expanded the list of available countries with new additions.

[0.0.4] - Bottom Sheet Country Picker

  • Added a bottom sheet view for the country picker, providing a more modern and user-friendly way to select a country.
  • Added feature to allow users to tap on an alphabet to quickly search for countries starting with that letter, similar to contact lists.
  • Improved user experience by providing a fast and intuitive way to navigate through long lists of countries.

Added #

  • AlphabeticalTapToSearch feature for easy searching through country names.
  • Smooth scrolling to the selected alphabet when tapped, enhancing the search experience.

Usage #

  • Updated usage example to demonstrate the AlphabeticalTapToSearch feature and its integration into Flutter apps.

Bug Fixes #

Fixed a bug where the search bar would not focus correctly on initial load, ensuring a smoother user interaction.

Performance Improvements #

  • Optimized the search algorithm for faster results when typing in the search bar.
  • Reduced memory usage when rendering the country list, resulting in a smoother scrolling experience.

Localization #

  • Improved localization support for languages with different alphabet characters, ensuring proper rendering and search functionality.

[0.0.1] - Initial Release #

  • Provides a customizable Country Selector widget for Flutter applications.
  • Features country selection from a list of countries.
  • Displays preferred countries at the top of the list.
  • Shows phone codes for each country.
  • Offers customization options for appearance.
  • Supports installation via pubspec.yaml file.

Added #

  • CountrySelector widget for integrating the country selector.
  • listType customization option for specifying the type of list to display.
  • appBarBackgroundColour customization option for setting the background color of the app bar.
  • appBarFontSize customization option for setting the font size of the app bar title.
  • appBarFontStyle customization option for setting the font style of the app bar title.
  • appBarFontWeight customization option for setting the font weight of the app bar title.
  • appBarTextColour customization option for setting the text color of the app bar title.
  • appBarTextCenterAlign customization option for centering the app bar title.
  • backgroundColour customization option for setting the background color of the country selector widget.
  • backIcon customization option for setting the icon for the back button in the app bar.
  • backIconColour customization option for setting the color of the back button icon.
  • countryFontStyle customization option for setting the font style of the country names in the list.
  • countryFontWeight customization option for setting the font weight of the country names in the list.
  • countryTextColour customization option for setting the text color of the country names in the list.
  • countryTitleSize customization option for setting the font size of the country names in the list.
  • dividerColour customization option for setting the color of the divider between countries in the list.
  • searchBarAutofocus customization option for setting whether the search bar should autofocus.
  • searchBarIcon customization option for setting the icon for the search bar.
  • searchBarBackgroundColor customization option for setting the background color of the search bar.
  • searchBarBorderColor customization option for setting the border color of the search bar.
  • searchBarBorderWidth customization option for setting the border width of the search bar.
  • searchBarOuterBackgroundColor customization option for setting the outer background color of the search bar.
  • searchBarTextColor customization option for setting the text color of the search bar.
  • searchBarHintColor customization option for setting the hint text color of the search bar.
  • countryTheme customization option for additional theme customization.
  • showSearchBox customization option for showing the search box.

Usage #

  • Added usage example for integrating the CountrySelector widget into Flutter apps.

Localization #

  • Added support for localization using CountryLocalizations.delegate.

Country Details #

  • Provided detailed information about each country including e164 country code, ISO code, phone code, etc.

Deprecated #

  • Deprecated the CountryPicker widget in favor of CountrySelector.


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The country_picker_pro Flutter package provides a customizable Country Selector widget, enabling users to select countries with detailed information and customization options.

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MIT (license)


collection, flutter


Packages that depend on country_picker_pro