country_picker 2.0.0 country_picker: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
A flutter package to select a country from a list of countries.
[2.0.0] - 09 Mar 2021 #
- Migrated to null safety
[1.1.4] - 18 Feb 2021 #
- Add support for Spanish and Portuguese localization.
- If
is false remove duplicates country
[1.1.3] - 10 Dec 2020 #
- Localize label and hint of search text field
[1.1.2] - 11 Oct 2020 #
- Add support for Greek localization.
- At search change contains to startsWith.
- Add country filter option.
- Can be used to uses filter the countries list (optional).
- It takes a list of country code(iso2).
- Can't provide both exclude and countryFilter
showCountryPicker( context: context, countryFilter: <String>['AT', 'GB', 'DK', 'DE', 'FR', 'GR'], //It takes a list of country code(iso2). onSelect: (Country country) => print('Select country: ${country.displayName}'), );
[1.1.1] - 24 Sep 2020 #
- Search on localizations.
[1.1.0] - 19 Sep 2020 #
Implement localization. #
Add the CountryLocalizations.delegate
in the list of your app delegates.
supportedLocales: [
const Locale('en'),
const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh', scriptCode: 'Hans'), // Generic Simplified Chinese 'zh_Hans'
const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh', scriptCode: 'Hant'), // Generic traditional Chinese 'zh_Hant'
localizationsDelegates: [
home: HomePage(),
Supported languages: #
- English
- Simplified Chinese
- Traditional Chinese
[1.0.5] - 31 Aug 2020 #
- Update documentation.
[1.0.4] - 27 Aug 2020 #
- Implement search.
[1.0.3] - 22 Aug 2020 #
- Add show phone code option.
[1.0.2] - 18 Aug 2020 #
- Add exclude countries option.
Can be used to exclude(remove) one ore more country from the countries list
context: context,
exclude: <String>['KN', 'MF'], //It takes a list of country code(iso2).
onSelect: (Country country) => print('Select country: ${country.displayName}'),
[1.0.1] - 12 Aug 2020 #
- Add documentation.
[1.0.0] - 11 Aug 2020 #
- Initial developers preview release.