cosmos 0.0.8 copy "cosmos: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
cosmos: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

Thanks to this package, which brings together the challenging materials created as a result of the efforts of many developers, no application will make you struggle with lines of code!

0.0.1 #

CosmosAlert: An alert viewer with options such as IOS, Material and customizable. Use it as a screen or just show alerts.

Cosmos Button's: Instead of complicated button stuff, customizable and easier to access buttons included in the Cosmos package.

CosmosScroller: An auto-scrollable layout. With this widget you can get a complete scrolling experience in the desired direction.

CosmosBody: A fast (Column) layout developed for the 'body' feature of the Scaffold widget, offering automatic scrolling.

CosmosTextBox: A fully customizable TextField widget. It's a masterpiece with its own frames and customizable parts.

CosmosFirebase: A Flutter package developed for Google Firebase. Saving data to the database, extracting data, creating profiles and much more.

CosmosTools: CosmosTools contains the potential tools you may need.

CosmosColor: Color tools.

CosmosImage: With CosmosImage, it automatically detects your images in a single way, determines whether they are a network or an asset, and displays them accordingly. It prevents delays that may occur in reloads by saving images coming from the internet to the cache.

CosmosTelegram: A tool that makes it easy for you to send messages using the Telegram API.

CosmosTopBar: Creates a top bar for your apps. This bar has a responsive layout.

CosmosSideMenu: Adds a side menu to your application.

openSideMenu: Side opens the menu.

CosmosNavigation: By adding a bottom bar to your app, it will create a bottomBar as you want.

CosmosCheckBox: It is a more understandable, simple and very sweet CheckBox instead of the stupid CheckBox found in the Flutter package.

CosmosInfo: A quick Tooltip.

height, width, heightPercentage, widthPercentage: It allows you to perform operations with screen aspect ratios. It acts somewhat like the 'MediaQuery.sizeOf(context).width' class.




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Thanks to this package, which brings together the challenging materials created as a result of the efforts of many developers, no application will make you struggle with lines of code!

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unknown (license)


animated_bottom_navigation_bar, cached_network_image, dio, file_picker, firebase_auth, firebase_database, firebase_storage, flutter, jeadesing, shared_preferences


Packages that depend on cosmos