cortex 0.0.3 copy "cortex: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
cortex: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


Flutter plugin for Cortex library.

cortex #

A Flutter plugin to work with Cortex library

Platform Support #

Android iOS MacOS Web Linux Windows

Usage #

To use this plugin, add cortex as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

This will expose three classes of Cortex events through four different streams.

  • ResponseEvents describe the response from Cortex for each request.
  • WarningEvents describe the warning message from Cortex.
  • DataStreamEvents describe the data stream event when subsribe data (eeg, motion, ...) from Cortex.

Each of these is exposed through a BroadcastStream: responseEvents, warningEvents, and dataStreamEvents, respectively.

It also provides 3 functions to work with Cortex.

  • startCortex tell Cortex to start working.
  • authenticateWithCortex(clientId) will open a webview for user login and get authentication code from Emotiv backend server.
  • sendRequestToCortex will send request to Cortex with json format.
  • function stop cortex is implemented in Java layer when application terminates, we don't export it to dart layer.

Example #

import 'package:cortex/cortex_plugin.dart';

responseEvents.listen((event) {

warningEvents.listen((event) {

dataStreamEvents.listen((event) {

sendRequestToCortex('{ "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "queryHeadsets"}');

Also see the example subdirectory for an example application that uses to work with real device. Remember to add EmotivCortexLib.aar to your main project.

Attention #

Only Emotiv's partner can get EmotivCortexLib.aar for now. But we have the plan to publish it in the future.