core_utils 1.0.5
core_utils: ^1.0.5 copied to clipboard
A package that contains common utilities needed in Flutter projects.
A package containing helpful utility functions and widgets for Flutter projects. #
-> Submit an issue here. -> Create a pull request here. -> Contact me via email here.
Popular Utils 🔥 #
- Responsive widget that rebuilds for mobile, tablet, and desktop views.
ResponsiveView(mobile: YOUR_WIDGET, tablet: YOUR_WIDGET, desktop: YOUR_WIDGET)
- Shorthands for
MediaQuery.of(context).size.HEIGHT/WIDTH * SOME_FRACTION
heightFrac(context, SOME_FRACTION)
widthFrac(context, SOME_FRACTION)
- Number formatting.
largeNumberFormatter(int number)
-> Example: 1812212 to "1.8m"numberPostfix(int number)
-> Example: 4 to "th", or 3 to "rd"
- And much more, just scroll down for the list of functions/widgets!
Example Gif 📸 #

Functions: Numbers 📜 #
Checks if the integer passed is plural. #
bool isPlural(int number);
Example: 13 -> true
Converts large numbers into smaller representations with letters. #
String largeNumberFormatter(
int number, {
String billionLetter = "b",
String millionLetter = "m",
String thousandLetter = "k",
Example: 1,812,398 -> "1.8m"
Adds a postfix to numbers. #
String numberPostfix(int number);
Example: 4 -> "4th"
Functions: Sizing 📜 #
Height fraction of screen, up to a set point. #
double heightBreakpointFrac(Buildcontext context, double fraction, double lockPoint);
Example: If you set fraction as 1/4, then this will return 1/4 * screen height up to the point that you set as lockPoint.
Width fraction of screen, up to a set point. #
double widthBreakpointFrac(Buildcontext context, double fraction, double lockPoint);
Example: If you set fraction as 1/4, then this will return 1/4 * screen width up to the point that you set as lockPoint.
Height fraction of screen. #
double heightFrac(BuildContext context, double fraction);
Example: If you set fraction as 1/5, then it will return 1/5 * screen height.
Width fraction of screen. #
double widthFrac(BuildContext context, double fraction);
Example: If you set fraction as 1/5, then it will return 1/5 * screen width.
Height excluding top or bottom safe area. #
double heightWithoutSafeArea(BuildContext context,{bool withoutTopSafeArea = true, bool withoutBottomSafeArea = true});
Example: Will return the height of the screen excluding either the top or bottom safe area heights.
Number until limit. #
double numberUntilLimit(double number, double limit);
Example: If number is the screen width and limit is 200, then this will return the screen width until limit is reached, then it will just return 200.
Functions: Types 📜 #
Checks if value is null. #
bool isNull(dynamic value);
Example: If null is passed, this will return true. Otherwise, it would return false.
Checks if value is not null. #
bool notNull(dynamic value);
Example: If "14" is passed, this will return true.
Functions: Validators 📜 #
Passed String is empty checker. #
bool emptyValidator(String value);
Example: If " " is passed, then it will return false.
Passed list of Strings is empty checker. #
bool multipleEmptyValidator(List<String> values);
Example: If ["test1", "test2", " "] is passed, then it will return false;
Widgets: Sizing 📜 #
Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop view builder. #
mobile: Scaffold(...),
tablet: Scaffold(...),
desktop: Scaffold(...),
Example: Builds out 3 different views based on screen width breakpoints. Breakpoint values can be customized.
SizedBox same height as bottom safe area. #
heightMultiplier: 2,
Example: Returns a SizedBox with the height of the bottom safe area * heightMultiplier. Useful for lists where you desire them to be scrolled without being wrapped with a SafeArea, but don't want the last list item to be obscured by it. Usually, placed at the end of a long list of widgets.
Additional Info 📣 #
The package is always open to improvements, suggestions, and additions!
I'll deal with PRs and issues as soon as I can!