cool_stepper_custom 1.2.1 copy "cool_stepper_custom: ^1.2.1" to clipboard
cool_stepper_custom: ^1.2.1 copied to clipboard

CoolStepperCustom is a widget that displays a step by step sequence of operations. it could be helpful for a form wizard or onboarding.

cool_stepper_custom #

CoolStepperCustom based on CoolStepper, a widget that displays a step by step sequence of operations that fixes some of the bugs and adds additional customization abilities.

Usage #

To use this package, add cool_stepper_custom as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. And add this import to your file.

import 'package:cool_stepper/cool_stepper_custom.dart';

Screenshots #

Example #

   onCompleted: () {},
   steps: List<CoolStep>[
        title: "Basic Information",
        subtitle: "Please fill some of the basic information to get started",
        content: Container()

For each step, return a null, if you want the validation to pass or a String message which would be displayed if you set the showErrorSnackbar attribute to true.

validation: () {
          if (!_formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
            return 'Fill form correctly';
          return null;

CoolStepper Class #

Attribute Data type Description Default Value
onCompleted Void Function() @required - A function that is triggers when all steps have been completed Null
steps List @required Null
config CoolStepperConfig Helps to customize your stepper CoolStepperConfig(backText: "BACK", nextText: "NEXT", stepText: "STEP", ofText: "OF")
showErrorSnackbar boolean Shows a snakbar at the bottom of the page when a step validation fails if set to true false

CoolStepperConfig Properties #

Attribute Data type Description Default Value
backText String The text that should be displayed for the back button BACK
backTextStyle TextStyle The style for the back text
backButtonStyle ButtonStyle The style for the back button
backButtonPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry The padding for the back button
nextText String The text that should be displayed for the next button NEXT
nextTextStyle TextStyle The style for the next text
nextButtonStyle ButtonStyle The style for the next button
nextButtonPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry The padding for the next button
finalText String The text that should be displayed for the next button on the final step FINISH
finalTextStyle TextStyle The style for the final text
finalButtonStyle ButtonStyle The style for the final button
finalButtonPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry The padding for the final button
stepText String The text that describes the progress STEP
ofText String The text that describes the progress OF
headerColor Color This is the background color of the header Theme.of(context).primaryColor.withOpacity(0.1)
iconColor Color This is the color of the icon Color.black38
icon Icon This icon replaces the default icon Icon(Icons.help_outline,size: 18,Colors.black38)
titleTextStyle TextStyle This is the textStyle for the title text TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0,fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,color: Colors.black38)
subtitleTextStyle TextStyle This is the textStyle for the subtitle text TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0,fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,color:
backTextList List A List of string that when supplied will override 'backText'. Must be one less than the number of steps since for the first step, the backText won't be visible null
nextTextList List A List of string that when supplied will override 'nextText'Must be one less than the number of steps since the 'finalText' attribute is able to set the value for the final step's next button null
pub points


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CoolStepperCustom is a widget that displays a step by step sequence of operations. it could be helpful for a form wizard or onboarding.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference




another_flushbar, flutter


Packages that depend on cool_stepper_custom