cool_ext 2.17.0 copy "cool_ext: ^2.17.0" to clipboard
cool_ext: ^2.17.0 copied to clipboard

Cool Flutter Package with cool Utilities and Extensions for Easy and Pretty Coding

2.17.0 #

  1. SnackBarUtil friendly method added

2.16.0 #

  1. SnackBarUtil.showWithMessenger() method added

2.15.0 #

  1. SnackUtil class added

2.14.4 #

  1. OrderPaymentStatus enum added
  2. searchbox made searcable by typing
  3. FolderView made selectable
  4. new IConLabel widget added
  5. ResponsiveWidget: customization improved
  6. many dep version upgraded
  7. ChoiceChips + others customizations improved

2.14.3 #

  1. StringIdText.findAllById() method added

2.14.2 #

  1. StringIdText.findById() method added to search by id in List

2.14.1 #

  1. MsgDisplay widget added

2.14.0 #

  1. just dart coding guidelines
  2. util methods
  3. CoolList new widget added with lot of commonly required features
  4. boldText(): softwrap done
  5. DateUtil.addDays() method added
  6. flutter 2.19 made min version
  7. pp: breadcrumb like feature given
  8. CoolUtil.wrapInFormField() customization enhanced
  9. Choice Chips Customization added
  10. copyable text icon size reduced
  11. Date formatting: 0 value handled
  12. clipboardCopyableText() made button compact
  13. WidgetHolder widget added for Generic Replaceable container
  14. navext: popAll issue resolved
  15. LoadingButton buttonStyle customisation given

2.13.0 #

  1. CoolUtil.clipboardCopyableText() icon size reduced to match font size
  2. method added
  3. Flutter sdk method used instead of custom impl for popping all and replacing one widget
  4. NextBackStackController.setAsBase() method added to create Fresh route without pop all
  5. Loading button tooltip support added
  6. StringIdText.listFrom() null permitted for coding friendliness

2.12.0 #

  1. NavigatorExt.removeUntilFirstAndPushWidget() issue resolved and method renamed

2.11.0 #

  1. DateUtil added using intl dependency

2.10.0 #

  1. NavigatorExt's one method renamed

2.9.0 #

  1. NavigatorExt methods renamed

2.8.0 #

  1. NavigatorExt written and few methods from BuildContext moved to it

2.7.0 #

  1. NextBack widget added
  2. Animation Duration reduced in LoadingButton
  3. String.mapIfEmpty(), CoolUtil.wrapInYesNoConfirmDialog() methods added

2.6.0 #

  1. CoolUtil.disabledText*() methods added
  2. ChipFilterableListView: addDivider support given
  3. border eliminated for CoolUtil.wrapInFormField() method
  4. CoolUtil.onInkCard() and listView() method options enhanced
  5. BuildContextExt padding* and tooltip methods enhanced
  6. null check done in tooltip ext
  7. padding given during network error msg
  8. type_conversion_util added
  9. iconext.dart added
  10. WidgetExt: tooltip and padding methods added
  11. multiselectchips widget added
  12. TypeIdText datastructure added
  13. example project added
  14. clipboard button widget split & listview title support added
  15. ColorUtil class added
  16. BuildContextExt.navigatorRemoveUntilFirstAndPush() method added
  17. Few changes done to follow dart coding guidelines
  18. CoolUtil.bodyLargeSize() method added
  19. Default Nav animation changed from rtl to flutter default
  20. various size methods added coolutil.dart
  21. TypeConversionutil.dynamicListToStringSet() added
  22. Friendly box menu widget added
  23. IterableExt.mapToNullableList() method added

2.5.0 #

  1. new MediaQueryExt class offers lot of friendly extension methods on MediaQueryData class
  2. ChipFilterableList & ChoiceChips new widgets added

2.4.0 #

  1. Flutter links improved as per recommendation

2.3.0 #

  1. DevConsole, IterableExt, DynamicExt utils added
  2. Lints enabled

2.2.0 #

  1. intl package dependency removed

2.1.0 #

  1. License file updated

2.0.0 #

  1. fluttertoast package dependency removed. It was used only in CoolUtil.clipboardCopyableText() method to show toast after copying test. This method was modified to give a call back after the copy operation.
  2. It was felt that it is not worth having this package dependency for this small purpose. Also, the default toast style of this fluttertoast may not match with the overall application. Hence removal was given importance and removed

1.0.0 #

Initial release with below utilities #

  1. BuildContext Additional methods
  2. Date utilities
  3. General Utilities
  4. String Additional Methods
  5. One liners to show Toast
  6. Lot of UI Utilies
  7. Widget Additional Methods
  8. WidgetRefresher widget
  9. WidgetReplacer widget
pub points



Cool Flutter Package with cool Utilities and Extensions for Easy and Pretty Coding

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unknown (license)


flutter, intl


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