contrast 0.1.1 contrast: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard
Utilities for comparing (and contrasting) dart values.
contrast #
Utilities for comparing (and contrasting) dart values:
- Comparator combinators (by/compound/reverse/lexicographic/nullsFirst/nullsLast)
- Comparison operator mixin (Quantity)(<, <=, ==, >, >=)
- Find extrema of Comparables and Iterables (min/max/minOf/maxOf)
- Test and obtain clamped comparables (clamp/between)
- Test and obtain sorted iterables (sorted/isOrdered/isStrictlyOrdered)
import 'package:contrast/contrast.dart';
import 'dart:math' as math;
main() {
// Easily define comparison operators (see Point class below).
assert(Point.ZERO < Point.UNIT);
assert(Point.UNIT >= Point.ZERO);
assert(Point.ZERO == new Point(0, 0));
// Find extrema of arbitrary comparables.
// (dart:math's min/max only work with numbers)
assert(min(Point.ZERO, Point.UNIT) == Point.ZERO);
assert(max(Point.ZERO, Point.UNIT) == Point.UNIT);
assert(clamp(new Point(1, 2), Point.ZERO, Point.UNIT) == Point.UNIT);
assert(between(new Point(0.5, 0.5), Point.ZERO, Point.UNIT));
// Find extrema of iterables.
var points = [Point.UNIT, new Point(1, 2), Point.ZERO, new Point(0, 1)];
assert(minOf(points) == Point.ZERO);
assert(maxOf(points) == new Point(1, 2));
// Sort into a new List easily ( vs. iterable.toList()..sort() ).
var sortedPoints = sorted(points);
// Check ordering of iterables.
// Define comparators using combinator helpers...
// By key function
var byMagnitude = by((point) => point.magnitude);
assert(max(Point.ZERO, new Point(-1, -1),
compare: byMagnitude) == new Point(-1, -1));
// Compound
assert(max(Point.ZERO, new Point(-1, -1),
compare: compound([byMagnitude,])) == new Point(-1, -1));
// Reversed
assert(max(Point.ZERO, Point.UNIT, compare: reverse()) == Point.ZERO);
// Lexicographic
assert(min([Point.ZERO, Point.UNIT], [Point.ZERO, new Point(2, 2)],
compare: lexicographic()).last == Point.UNIT);
// Null safe
var maybePoints = [Point.UNIT, null, Point.ZERO, null];
assert(sorted(maybePoints, compare: nullsFirst()).first == null);
assert(sorted(maybePoints, compare: nullsLast()).last == null);
// Mixin `Comparable`-based comparison operators with `Quantity`.
class Point extends Object with Quantity<Point> {
static Point ZERO = new Point(0, 0);
static Point UNIT = new Point(1, 1);
final num x, y;
num get magnitude => math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
Point(this.x, this.y);
// Use comparator combinators`compound` and `by`.
static final _comparator = compound([by((p) => p.x), by((p) => p.y)]);
int compareTo(Point other) => _comparator(this, other);
toString() => '($x, $y)';