contacts_service 0.6.3
contacts_service: ^0.6.3 copied to clipboard
A Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices.
[0.6.3] - September 21, 2021 #
- Android: added method getContactsByEmail (@fjbatresv)
[0.6.2] - September 21, 2021 #
- Refactored all usages of Iterable to use List (@Abion47)
- Fixed issue "import <contacts_service/contacts_service-Swift.h> is missing" (@ZaharL)
[0.6.1] - April 20, 2021 #
- Fixed issue of add & edit contact on android 30 i.e. 11 (@Faiyyazauxy)
[0.6.0] - April 8, 2021 #
- Fixed asynctask error due to permission (@Faiyyazauxy)
- AndroidX compatible (@Faiyyazauxy)
[0.5.0-nullsafety.0] - December 22, 2020 #
- Migrated to null safety in preview mode (@creativepsyco)
[0.4.6] - April 29, 2020 #
- Fixed openExistingContact in Android and in example (@engylemure)
[0.4.5] - April 26, 2020 #
- Fixed crashing where activity result coming back from another plugin and not handled (@lidongze91)
- Fixed swift syntax error in UIActivityIndicatorView.init (@sperochon)
- Added new functionality openDeviceContactPicker (@sperochon)
- Function opens native device contact picker corresponding on each native platform (Android or iOS); user can then search and select a specific contact.
- Android: Intent.ACTION_PICK
- iOS: CNContactPickerViewController
[0.4.4] - April 23, 2020 #
- Fixed swift function name (@lidongze91)
- Added parameter iOSLocalizedLabels to openContactForm and openExistingContact (@sperochon)
[0.4.3] - April 22, 2020 #
- Fixed getContactsForEmail with iOSLocalizedLabels (@pavanbuzz)
[0.4.2] - April 21, 2020 #
- Two methods have been added to handle creating and editing contacts with device contact form (@engylemure)
[0.4.1] - April 21, 2020 #
- Android: retrieve correct custom phone labels
- iOS: add localizedLabels parameter to avoid labels translations
- Android: retrieve correct custom phone labels (refactor)
- iOS: recognize emails predefined labels (work,home,other) when adding a contact to device contacts
- Fixed issue: birthday not imported (Android only)
- Fixed issue: birthday not imported (iOS only) and export the same data as Android '--MM-dd' for birthday without year
- Get contacts based on matching email available on iOS
- Fixed contacts_test as it was broken from staging branch
- Fixed slowness in get contact for iOS 11+
- Fixed getContacts with phoneQuery to use predicates which are available from iOS 11
[0.4.0] - March 30, 2020 #
- Migrated the plugin to android v2 embedding and migrated androidx for example app (@lidongze91)
[0.3.10] - December 6, 2019 #
- Expose the raw account type (e.g. "" or "") and account name on Android (@joachimvalente)
- Added additional labels for work, home, and other for PhoneLabel (@pavanbuzz)
- Added additional labels for work, home, and other for PostalAddress (@pavanbuzz)
[0.3.9] - November 12, 2019 #
- Expose androidAccountType as enum in dart (@lidongze91)
- Only supported for Android.
[0.3.8] - November 6, 2019 #
- Added displayName parameter to Contact Constructor (@biswa1751)
[0.3.7] - November 5, 2019 #
- Expose account_type from android (@lidongze91)
[0.3.6] - October 28, 2019 #
- Added the birthday property in the contact class, display it in the example app (@ZaraclaJ)
- Added missing birthday property in the contact class (@ZaraclaJ)
- Removed redundant equals operator and hashing (@kmccmk9)
- Added toString, equals operator and hashcode (@kmccmk9)
[0.3.5] - October 17, 2019 #
- Added
API to lazily retrieve contact avatars (@dgp1130)- Only implemented for Android.
[0.3.4] - September 21, 2019 #
- Fix comparison to guard NPEs (@creativepsyco)
[0.3.3] - September 12, 2019 #
- Example app, removed references to notes field removed in v0.3.1 (@lukasgit)
[0.3.2] - September 10, 2019 #
- Fixed swift_version error (@adithyaxx)
- Removed executable file attributes (@creativepsyco)
- Removed references to notes field removed in v0.3.1 (@lukasgit)
[0.3.1] - September 8, 2019 #
- Added order by given name, now contacts come sorted from the device (@Tryneeth)
- Return contacts that start with query instead of contains (@dakaugu)
- Removed notes field due to iOS 13 blocking access (@imvm)
[0.3.0] - August 5th, 2019 #
- Closed image streams and cursors on Android (@budo385)
[0.2.9] - July 19th, 2019 #
- File cleanup and removed .iml references. Use "flutter clean" to clear build files and re-build
[0.2.8] - June 24th, 2019 #
- Android add avatar image - was not working.
- Android and iOS - update avatar image.
- Android custom phone label - adding label other then predefined ones sets the label to specified value.
- Android and iOS - on getContacts get the higher resolution image (photoHighResolution). Only when withThumbnails is true. photoHighResolution set to default when getting contact. Default is photoHighResolution = true because if you update the contact after getting, it will update the original size picture.
- Android and iOS - getContactsForPhone(String phone, {bool withThumbnails = true, bool photoHighResolution = true}) - gets the contacts with phone filter.
[0.2.7] - May 24th, 2019 #
- Removed path_provider
[0.2.6] - May 9th, 2019 #
- Removed share_extend
- Updated example app
- Bug fixes
[0.2.5] - April 20th, 2019 #
- Added Notes support, and updateContact for Android fix
- Added Note support for iOS
- Added public method to convert contact to map using the static _toMap
- Updated tests
- Updated example app
- Bug fixes
[0.2.4] - March 12th, 2019 #
- Added support for more phone labels
- Bug fixes
[0.2.3] - March 2nd, 2019 #
- Added permission handling to example app
- Fixed build errors for Android & iOS
[0.2.2] - March 1st, 2019 #
- Feature: Update Contact for iOS & Android
- Added updateContact method to contacts_service.dart
- Added updateContact method to SwiftContactsServicePlugin.swift
- Added unit testing for the updateContact method
- Fixed formatting discrepancies in the example app (making code easier to read)
- Fixed formatting discrepancies in contacts_service.dart (making code easier to read)
- AndroidX compatibility fix for example app
- Updated example app to show updateContacts method
- Fixed example app bugs
- Updated and (wasn't working properly)
- Added updateContact method to
[0.2.1] - February 21st, 2019 #
- Breaking: Updated dependencies
[0.2.0] - February 19th, 2019 #
- Breaking: Updated to support AndroidX
[0.1.1] - January 11th, 2019 #
- Added Ability to Share VCF Card (@AppleEducate)
[0.1.0] - January 4th, 2019 #
- Update pubspec version and maintainer info for Dart Pub
- Add withThumbnails and update example (@trinqk)
[0.0.9] - October 10th, 2018 #
- Fix an issue when fetching contacts on Android
[0.0.8] - August 16th, 2018 #
- Fix an issue with phones being added to emails on Android
- Update plugin for dart 2
[0.0.7] - July 10th, 2018 #
- Fix PlatformException on iOS
- Add a refresh to the contacts list in the sample app when you add a contact
- Return more meaningful errors when addContact() fails on iOS
- Code tidy up
[0.0.6] - April 13th, 2018 #
- Add contact thumbnails
[0.0.5] - April 5th, 2018 #
- Fix with dart2 compatibility
[0.0.4] - February 1st, 2018 #
- Implement deleteContact(Contact c) for Android and iOS
[0.0.3] - January 31st, 2018 #
- Implement addContact(Contact c) for Android and iOS
[0.0.2] - January 30th, 2018 #
- Now retrieving contacts' prefixes and suffixes
[0.0.1] - January 30th, 2018 #
- All contacts can be retrieved
- Contacts matching a string can be retrieved