composite_calculator 1.0.0 composite_calculator: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A new Flutter package to calculate properties for composite material.
Composite Calculator #
A Flutter package for calculating various properties of composite materials. This package includes modules for different composite calculations, such as lamina and laminate properties.
Installation #
Add this package to your pubspec.yaml
composite_calculator: ^1.0.0
Then, run:
flutter pub get
Usage #
Here's a quick example of how to use the LaminatePlatePropertiesCalculator
to calculate laminate plate properties.
import 'package:composite_calculator/models/laminate_plate_properties_input.dart';
import 'package:composite_calculator/calculators/laminate_plate_properties_calculator.dart';
void main() {
// Create an instance of LaminatePlatePropertiesInput with necessary properties
LaminatePlatePropertiesInput input = LaminatePlatePropertiesInput(
E1: 150000,
E2: 10000,
G12: 5000,
nu12: 0.3,
layupSequence: "[0/90/45/-45]s",
layerThickness: 0.125,
// Perform the calculation
LaminatePlatePropertiesOutput output = LaminatePlatePropertiesCalculator.calculate(input);
// Print or utilize the output as needed
Project structures #
The project consists of several calculators and models:
- Calculators: Contains calculators for different composite property calculations.
- Models: Defines the input and output data structures for the calculators.
- Utils: Utility classes and extensions.
Example Project #
To see this package in action, check out SwiftComp Flutter, an example project that utilizes this package to perform composite material calculations.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.