commons_lang 0.0.8 commons_lang: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard
Commons Lang provides a host of helper utilities for Dart / Flutter applications.
import 'package:commons_lang/commons_lang.dart';
void main() {
Map map = {"animal": "quick brown fox", "target": "lazy dog"};
StrSubstitutor sub = StrSubstitutor.fromMap(map);
// The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
print(sub.replace('The \${animal} jumps over the \${target}.'));
// The ${person} jumps over the lazy dog.
print(sub.replace('The \${person} jumps over the \${target}.'));
// Use \$ as an escape character
// The ${animal} jumps over the lazy dog.
print(sub.replace('The \$\${animal} jumps over the \${target}.'));
// Variable substitution still occurs in escaped variables
// The ${quick brown fox} jumps over the lazy dog.
print(sub.replace('The \$\${\${animal}} jumps over the \${target}.'));
sub.escapeChar = '@';
// The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
print(sub.replace('The #[animal] jumps over the #[target].'));
// Use @ as an escape character
// The #[animal] jumps over the lazy dog.
print(sub.replace('The @#[animal] jumps over the #[target].'));
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