common_utilities 0.1.1 copy "common_utilities: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
common_utilities: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard

A Dart language Common Utility package, that makes your code faster,easier and cleaner. contains lots of useful functions for Dart primitive types (support all Flutter platforms)

common_utilities #

A Dart language Common Utility package, that makes your code faster,easier and cleaner. contains lots of useful functions for Dart primitive types (support all Flutter platforms)

Features #

  • String : Over 30 useful String utility functions.

Todo (Next Versions) #

  • Add Numbers (int, double, num, BigInt) utility functions.
  • Add Booleans (bool) utility functions.
  • Add Lists (List) utility functions.

Notes #

version 0.1.1 Includes only String utils.

Usage #

add this line to your pubspec.yaml :

      common_utilities: ^0.1.1

or enter this to your command line:

    flutter pub add common_utilities

String Utils #

Includes over 30 useful string functions such as :

  1. subStringBetween
  2. subStringsBetween
  3. subStringAfter
  4. subStringBefore
  5. insertAt
  6. removeAt
  7. insertAfter
  8. insertAfterEvery
  9. removeAfter
  10. removeBefore
  11. isNumericInt
  12. isNumericDouble
  13. isAlphabetic
  14. isUpperCase
  15. isAlphaNumeric
  16. isBlank
  17. isContainSpecialChar
  18. isValidCharacters
  19. convertEnglishNumberToPersian
  20. convertPersianNumberToEnglish
  21. convertToMoneyFormat
  22. countWords
  23. countLines
  24. reverse
  25. reverseWords
  26. removeBlankLines
  27. removeLinesThatContain
  28. isEmail
  29. convertToBase64
  30. convertBase64ToString
  31. convertToUTF8
  32. wrap
  33. isValidUrl

How To Use #

Example for StringUtils : #

import 'package:common_utilities/common_utilities.dart';

void main() {
  String yourStr = 'If you want something you have never had you must do something you have never done';

  String result = yourStr.stringUtils().subStringBetween('want', 'never');
  // print(result) =>  'something you have'

  List<String> result2 = yourStr.stringUtils().subStringsBetween('you', 'never');
  // print(result2) =>  ['something you have' , 'must do something you have']

  String result3 = yourStr.stringUtils().subStringAfter('something');
  // print(result3) =>  'you have never had you must do something you have never done'

  bool lastIndex = true; //This is optional & its false by default
  String result4 = yourStr.stringUtils().subStringAfter('something', lastIndex);
  // print(result4) =>  'you have never done'

  String str = CommonUtils.getRandomString(10);
  // print(str) =>  'btorklcvxw'


More Info #

  • This package is equivalent of Common Utils library in Java, by this package there is no more need to write utils functions, just add it to your project and enjoy.
  • Feel free to make pull request to add your desire functions if its not included in the package functions list.



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A Dart language Common Utility package, that makes your code faster,easier and cleaner. contains lots of useful functions for Dart primitive types (support all Flutter platforms)

Repository (GitHub)
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#common-utilities #common-utils #string-utils #utils #utility


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, intl


Packages that depend on common_utilities