color_palette_formats 1.1.2 color_palette_formats: ^1.1.2 copied to clipboard
A Flutter package for decoding and encoding various color palette formats
// ignore_for_file: prefer_asserts_with_message
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:color_palette_formats/color_palette_formats.dart';
void main() {
// Example: Reading an ACB (Adobe Color Book) file.
final acbFile = File('path/to/acb1_v1.acb');
final acb = decodeAdobeColorBook(acbFile);
assert(acb.version == supportedAdobeColorBookVersion);
assert(acb.colors.length == 300);
// Example: Reading an ACO (Adobe Color Swatch) file.
final acoFile = File('path/to/');
final aco = decodeAdobeColorSwatch(acoFile);
assert(aco.version == supportedAdobeColorSwatchVersion);
assert(aco.colors.length == 52);
// Example: Reading an ACT (Adobe Color Table) file.
final actFile = File('path/to/act1.act');
final act = decodeAdobeColorTable(actFile);
assert(act.colors.length == adobeColorTableColorsCount);
// Example: Reading an ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) file.
final aseFile = File('path/to/ase1_v1.0.ase');
final ase = decodeAdobeSwatchExchange(aseFile);
assert(ase.version == supportedAdobeSwatchExchangeVersion);
assert(ase.colors.length == 122);
// Example: Reading a GPL (GIMP Palette) file.
final gplFile = File('path/to/gpl1.gimp');
final gpl = decodeGimpPalette(gplFile);
assert( == 'Visibone2');
assert(gpl.colors.length == 256);
// Example: Reading an HPL (Homesite Palette) file.
final hplFile = File('path/to/hpl1_v4.0.hpl');
final hpl = decodeHomesitePalette(hplFile);
assert(hpl.version == supportedHomesitePaletteVersion);
assert(hpl.colors.length == 287);
// Example: Reading a PAL (JASC Palette) file.
final palFile = File('path/to/pal1_v0100.pal');
final pal = decodeJascPalette(palFile);
assert(pal.version == supportedJascPaletteVersion);
assert(pal.colors.length == 3);
// Example: Reading a Paint.NET Palette file.
final paintDotNetFile = File('path/to/paint-dot-net1.txt');
final paintDotNet = decodePaintDotNetPalette(paintDotNetFile);
assert(paintDotNet.colors.length == 96);
// Example: Reading a Procreate Swatches file.
final procreateFile = File('path/to/procreate1.swatches');
final procreate = decodeProcreateSwatches(procreateFile);
assert(procreate.first.swatches.length == 30);
// Example: Reading a RIFF (Resource Interchange File Format) Palette file.
final riffFile = File('path/to/riff1_v3.pal');
final riff = decodeResourceInterchangeFileFormat(riffFile);
assert(riff.version == supportedResourceInterchangeFileFormatVersion);
assert(riff.colors.length == 16);
// Example: Reading a Sketch Palette file.
final sketchpaletteFile = File('path/to/sketchpalette1_v1.4.sketchpalette');
final sketchpalette = decodeSketchPalette(sketchpaletteFile);
assert(sketchpalette.compatibleVersion == supportedSketchPaletteVersion);
assert(sketchpalette.pluginVersion == supportedSketchPaletteVersion);
assert(sketchpalette.colors.length == 6);