color_hex 0.0.1 color_hex: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Flutter package to convert hex String to Color() , and Color() to hex String
color_hex: #
A package helps you to convert Hex color to Color() , and convert Color() to hex color
# 👨💻 Developed by: #
Nasr Al-Rahbi @abom_me
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Pubspec changes:
color_hex: <last_verison>
How to use it? #
you can add it to your text or color as extension like this :
Color color=Colors.deepPurple;
String hex="#000000";
/// here we convert the hex to color and the color to hex
Text(color.convertToHex.hex,style: TextStyle(color: hex.convertToColor),),
Another way you can convert it using the function :
Color color=Colors.deepPurple;
String hex="#000000";
onTap: (){
/// Convert HexColor to Color()
/// Convert Color() to HexColor
child:Text("click to convert",style: TextStyle(
/// here we convert the color to hex then we convert the hex to color again
color: color.convertToHex.hex!.convertToColor