cloudflare_r2 0.0.11 copy "cloudflare_r2: ^0.0.11" to clipboard
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Flutter plugin for Cloudflare R2.

cloudflare_r2 #

Flutter CloudFlare R2 plugin project. It's using a aws_signature_v4 to access CloudFlare R2

For now only get [object, size]/put/delete/list object Object on R2 Bucket

Tested on #

Function Windows Android Linux MacOS Ios
Get Object 👍 👍 need test need test need test
Get Object Size 👍 👍 need test need test need test
Get Object Info 👍 👍 need test need test need test
Put Object 👍 👍 need test need test need test
Delete Object 👍 👍 need test need test need test
List Objects 👍 need test need test need test need test

Getting Started #

Check the Example

//call CloudFlareR2.init before using any call
  accoundId: 'your accound ID',
  accessKeyId: 'your access id', 
  secretAccessKey: 'your secret acess key',   

//to get the Object
List<int> object = await CloudFlareR2.getObject(
    bucket: 'bucket name',
    objectName: 'name of the object',
    onReceiveProgress: (total, received) {
      //do the progress of the download here
//handle the writing of the object after
//File myFile = File(yourPath).writeAsBytesSync(object);

  //to get the Object Size
  //return the size in bytes
  await CloudFlareR2.getObjectSize(
    bucket: 'bucket name',
    objectName: 'name of the object',

  //get the Object Info, [name, size, etag, last modified]
  ObjectInfo obj = await CloudFlareR2.getObjectInfo(
    bucket: 'bucket name',
    objectName: 'name of the object',

  //to get the List of Objects on a bucket
  //return List<ObjectInfo>
  await CloudFlareR2.listObjectsV2(
    bucket: 'bucket name',

//upload some object
await CloudFlareR2.putObject(
  bucket: 'bucket name',
  objectName: 'name of the object',
  objectBytes: objectBytes,
  contentType: 'content type of the file here');

//Delete some object
await CloudFlareR2.deleteObject(
    bucket: 'bucket name',
    objectName: 'name of the object');

//Delete list of objects
await CloudFlareR2.deleteObjects(
    bucket: 'bucket name',
    objectNames: ['name of the object1', 'name of object 2']);
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unverified uploader

Weekly Downloads

2024.08.14 - 2025.02.26

Flutter plugin for Cloudflare R2.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


aws_common, aws_signature_v4, flutter, intl, xml


Packages that depend on cloudflare_r2