cloudflare_ai 1.4.0 cloudflare_ai: ^1.4.0 copied to clipboard
This is a Dart package for Cloudflare Workers AI. It currently supports Text Generation and Image Generation, Text Summarization, and Image Generation Models.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:cloudflare_ai/cloudflare_ai.dart';
import 'package:cloudflare_ai/src/text_chat/text_chat.dart';
void main() async {
String accountId = "Your Account ID";
/// Your Account ID
String apiKey = "Your API Key";
/// Your API Key
/// Text Generation
/// Initialize a TextGenerationModel
TextGenerationModel textGenModel = TextGenerationModel(
accountId: accountId,
/// Account ID
apiKey: apiKey,
/// API Key
model: TextGenerationModels.GEMMA_7B_IT,
/// Model to use
/// Generate Text for a prompt
TextGenerationResponse textGenRes = await textGenModel
.generateText("Write a story about a robot, living on the moon");
/// Prompt
if (textGenRes.success && textGenRes.result != null) {
/// Print the generated text if request is successful
} else {
print( => e.toJson()).toList());
/// Print the errors if request is unsuccessful
/// Text Summarization
/// Initialize a TextSummarizationModel
TextSummarizationModel textSummarizationModel = TextSummarizationModel(
accountId: accountId,
/// Account ID
apiKey: apiKey,
/// API Key
model: TextSummarizationModels.BART_LARGE_CNN,
/// Bart Large CNN is default, hence this parameter is optional
/// Summarize Text
TextSummarizationResponse textSummarizationRes =
await textSummarizationModel.summarize(
"Your very long text....",
/// Text to summarize
maxLength: 1024,
/// 1024 is default, hence this parameter is optional
if (textSummarizationRes.success && textSummarizationRes.result != null) {
/// Print the summarized text
} else {
print( => e.toJson()).toList());
/// Print the errors
/// Text to Image
/// Initialize a TextToImageModel
TextToImageModel textToImageModel = TextToImageModel(
accountId: accountId,
/// Account ID
apiKey: apiKey,
/// API Key
model: TextToImageModels.DREAMSHAPER_8_LCM,
/// Define the model
/// Generate Image
Uint8List textToImageResult =
await textToImageModel.generateImage("An alien on the moon");
/// Prompt
/// Save the image to a file
/// Save the image to a file
/// Text Classification
/// Initialize a TextClassificationModel
TextClassificationModel textClassificationModel = TextClassificationModel(
accountId: accountId,
/// Account ID
apiKey: apiKey,
/// API Key
model: TextClassificationModels.DISTILBERT_SST_2_INT8
/// DISTILBERT_SST_2_INT8 is default, hence this parameter is optional
/// Classify Text
TextClassificationResponse textClassificationResponse =
await textClassificationModel.classifyText(
"Test Prompt",
/// Text to classify
/// Classify the text
if (textClassificationResponse.success &&
textClassificationResponse.result != null) {
'Positive Confidence level: ${textClassificationResponse.result?.positive}');
/// Print the positive confidence level if request is successful
'Negative Confidence level: ${textClassificationResponse.result?.negative}');
/// Print the negative confidence level if request is successful
} else {
print( => e.toJson()).toList());
/// Print the errors if request is unsuccessful
/// Language Translation
/// Initialize a LanguageTranslationModel
LanguageTranslationModel languageTranslationModel = LanguageTranslationModel(
accountId: accountId,
/// Account ID
apiKey: apiKey,
/// API Key
model: LanguageTranslationModels.M2M100_1_2B,
/// M2M100_1_2B is default, hence this parameter is optional
/// Translate Text
LanguageTranslationResponse languageTranslationRes =
await languageTranslationModel.translate(
/// Text to translate
/// Language to translate from
/// Language to translate to
if (languageTranslationRes.success && languageTranslationRes.result != null) {
/// Print the translated text if request is successful
} else {
print( => e.toJson()).toList());
/// Print the errors if request is unsuccessful
/// Text Chat
/// Initialize a TextChatModel
TextChatModel textChatModel = TextChatModel(
accountId: accountId,
/// Account ID
apiKey: apiKey,
/// API Key
model: TextChatModels.GEMMA_7B_IT,
/// Model to use
/// Load any previous conversations
"role": "user",
"content": "Hello!",
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Hello! How may I help you?",
/// Send a new message
ChatMessage chatRes = await"Who are you?");
/// Message
/// Print the response