clickzin_tracking_flutter_sdk 2.1.2
clickzin_tracking_flutter_sdk: ^2.1.2 copied to clipboard
Clickzin flutter tracking SDK
Additional information #
CLickzin flutter android tracking sdk
Packages used with version: #
android_play_install_referrer: ^0.3.0
http: ^1.1.0
shared_preferences: ^2.2.2
Steps to integrate SDK #
Step 1: Add dependency in pubspec.yaml #
clickzin_tracking_flutter_sdk: <latest version>
Step 2: In main.dart, add imports #
import 'package:clickzin_tracking_flutter_sdk/clickzin_tracking_flutter_sdk.dart';
Step 3: In first widget , create instance of ClickzinTracker and in initState call startTracking with initial event name.Most of the time initial event will be install
var appKey = "As provided by your marketing partners.";
final ClickzinTracker _clickzinTracker = ClickzinTracker(appKey, true);
void initState() {
_clickzinTracker.startTracking("initial_event", (String? uid, String? source, String? eventId) =>
// On Success, callback will be sent and application can take any action like updating the db & so on
Step 4: Track events in respective events widget with respective event name.Events like register, sale, login and so on will be tracked using this api. #
final ClickzinTracker _clickzinTracker = ClickzinTracker(appKey, true);
void onAnyeventSuccess() {
"any specific event", (String? uid, String? source, String? eventId) =>
// On Success, callback will be sent and application can take any action like updating the db & so on