cleanarch_dart 1.0.3 cleanarch_dart: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
A simple command-line application.
cleanarch_dart #
A dart package to generate a cleanarch structury of folders and files #
See also: #
Installation #
dart pub global activate cleanarch_dart
Configure #
You need creating in a root folder an a cleanarch-cli.config.json, thats a simple json with keys:
- commands: an array of Command object
- schema: an array of Schema object
Command Object: Owns 2 keys:
- command: a command entry point
- comment: Textual Description Of command (optional)
- sufix: A name that correlates the Command with the Schema
Schema Object
- sufix: Suffix for generated class. eg: "Usecase"
- extensionSufix: Suffix for extension: eg: ".usecase"
- languageSufix: We currently only supports typescript so: ".ts"
- defaultImplements: If the class implements an other classes use an array to declare the sufix of them: ["Inteface", "OtherSuffix"]
- defaultDependencies: If the class uses other classes use an array to declare the sufix of them: ["Protocol"]
- useDecorators: If your class use decorators use an array: ["@Service()", "Other()"]
- folder: Generate file into the folder. eg: "./src/core/usecases/"
- abstract: If class is abstract class so true else false;
Full Simple
"commands": [
"command": "st",
"sufix": "Strategy",
"comment": "Generate an Interface"
"command": "uc",
"sufix": "Usecase",
"comment": "Generate an Usecase"
"command": "pc",
"sufix": "Protocol",
"comment": "Generate an Protocol"
"command": "ct",
"sufix": "Connector",
"comment": "Generate an Connector"
"schema": [
"sufix": "Strategy",
"extensionSufix": ".strategy",
"languageSufix": ".dart",
"defaultImplementsSuffix": "",
"defaultDependenciesSuffix": "",
"useDecorators": [],
"folder": "./core/strategies/",
"defaultMethods": [
"FutureOr<OUTPUT> call({required INPUT input});"
"abstract": true
"sufix": "Usecase",
"extensionSufix": ".usecase",
"languageSufix": ".dart",
"defaultImplementsSuffix": "Strategy",
"defaultDependenciesSuffix": "Protocol",
"useDecorators": [],
"defaultMethods": [],
"folder": "./core/usecases/",
"abstract": false
"sufix": "Protocol",
"extensionSufix": ".protocol",
"languageSufix": ".dart",
"defaultImplementsSuffix": "",
"defaultMethods": [
"FutureOr<OUTPUT> call({required INPUT input});"
"defaultDependenciesSuffix": "",
"useDecorators": [],
"folder": "./core/protocols/",
"abstract": true
"sufix": "Connector",
"extensionSufix": ".connector",
"languageSufix": ".dart",
"defaultImplementsSuffix": "Protocol",
"defaultDependenciesSuffix": "",
"defaultMethods": [],
"useDecorators": [
"import 'dart:async';"
"folder": "./adapters/connectors/",
"abstract": false
Usage #
Suppose you have the command:
"command": "st",
"suffix": "Strategy",
"comment": "Generate an Stategy"
and the schema:
"suffix": "Strategy",
"extensionSufix": ".strategy",
"languageSufix": ".dart",
"defaultImplementsSuffix": "",
"defaultDependenciesSuffix": "",
"useDecorators": [],
"folder": "./core/strategies/",
"defaultMethods": [
"FutureOr<OUTPUT> call({required INPUT input});"
"abstract": true
so to run the command from the command line you must add the following arguments:
> st="ClassName1"
if u need combine this command with other (eg: to implements a use especify classes)
> st="ClassName" us="Other"
uf u need create a set of Strategies
> st="ClassName1 CLassName2"
## Default Commands:
### all
Generete a full and complete schema
> usage: all=<classes...>
### u
Make the class use a set of classes begining with given classes names
> usage: u=<classes...>
### uo
Make the class use a set of classes with specified names
> usage: uo=<classes...>
### i
Make the class implements a specific set of classes
> usage: i=<classes...>
#### <classes ...> Means:
A set of Names separed by space, eg:
> "Login Logout Any Other Classes"
## Usage
### Generate a complete Schema :
dart pub global run cleanarch_dart all='UserLogin UserLogout'
Thats create a bellow structure: